Romancing a Chinese woman
Jun 6, 2010 07:59
GUEST47168 There are translation services that you can call and tell them what you want to say, and they will tell her. When I first went to china I used this and it was great, their not that expensive either, I can't remember which one I used, but you should be able to google it. We just used her cel phone and handed it back and forth
Jun 12, 2010 03:20

Originally Posted by GUEST24201

every women likes steady ,reliable,mature,rich man.and wants to be cared,loved by her that they can get safe feeling.

I think this is the question. They need to feel safe. I agree totally with you. A chinese woman is not so different to a western women, really, but the mening of the word "safe" is, in my opinion, a bit different, because if you ask a western woman, she probably don't mention it,and if you will ask a chinese woman, it should be one of the first reasons for choosing a partner for life.

Becaus their education, they are more family-oriented and the importance of mantaining a solid and strong family is even bigger than in europe. If you agree with this too, both of you are in the right way.
Jun 17, 2010 08:40
GUEST48433 G'day John. I went to China in April and met my lady and everything went as well as we hoped. On my return I spoke to an immigration agent and his advice is that we marry and then I bring my WIFE to Australia on a Spouse Visa. The advantage being she can work as soon as she arrives and is covered by Medicare. Two years after she arrives her application for permanent residency will be automatic. I have a) engaged him to hanle our case and b) intend to return to my lady in early September when we plan to marry. Contact me if you want more info. Malcolm
Jun 17, 2010 08:49
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John I am guest 48342. I have posted a reply for you. I will check in a few days to see if it shows up.
Jun 17, 2010 19:08
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Originally Posted by GUEST36639 View Post

Hi everybody,my name is john from perth western australia and i thank all of you for your imput in to this site,it has been helpful.
Myself i have been in contact with a chinese girl in Handan/Hebei, china.
We have hit things off pretty well and have regular daily contact, and i am planning a trip to visit her in august this year,she is goi...

John, I went to Nanning and met my lady and everything was great. We love each other very much and intend to marry. On my return to Australia in early May I spoke to an Immigration Agent whose advice was it is a better option to marry first and then bring your wife to Australia under the Spouse Visa. We have engaged him to do this application process for us but first we must marry. I will be returning to Nanning in September for our wedding. Please contact me for further information. Malcolm
Jun 25, 2010 18:43
GUEST36639 hi guys, john from perth here again, the info on the visa is very helpful and i will folow it up this week,,not too long and i will be in Beijing to meet with my lady,
I think that the email system has been a great help for us both to communicate
with the language barrier as her english is not to good and my chinese is limited to about three hundred words.
To any one who is intrested, Dick smith electronics sell universal translators and they are a great help with the language barrier.
As for the spouse visa, i know that my lady will be excited to hear this as she really wanted to marry in china so her family and friends could be with her.
Any one of you men live in perth as i would like to meet and talk about any experences/ problems you have had with visas/immigration
Jun 26, 2010 20:41
GUEST16666 yes ok here is what i want to know. I have been on a chinese dating site and in my profile I did mention that I am a very amouros man and well basically like a lot of sex. I have had a lot of responses to my ad but have not responed to them yet. I am looking for a certain body type and have a few that I would like to talk too. But Like I said I like a lot of hot and steamy sex in the bed, would a chinese woman let me know if she likes that too or am I just barking up the wrong tree. There are some very loveyl ladies on this site!
Jun 26, 2010 21:02
GUEST87184 I think any women on a dating site would be put off by immediately talking about sex. The best thing to do would be to talk to someone you find attractive, and then narrow it down by the way they talk to you, and flirt, you should be able to tell the more advetourous types. My experience is that my wife likes to please me, and is very willing and even initiates quite a bit, but isn't into swinging from chandeliers lol. I have been with some very wild women in my time, but I have to say that being intimate with my wife is the best, even though she is not as wild, because she is so sweet, and I am truly in love..
Jul 26, 2010 23:16
GUESTSTUMPY I have a Chinese girlfriend from Hebei Province 3 hrs out Wuhan, she was introduced to me by her cousin.
As Gaffer said they are very shy bordering on what we call cold? in the west, but to my shock she instigated the first move? and sex was the last thing on my mind, but emotions turn into Love and i have to admit she is the most sensual woman i have ever been with?
I think the best advice was given by Guest, he summed up everything in a nut shell?
Most of these Beautiful girls have be treated as an Appendent, and if you treat them with the Respect and the Caring they deserve, you will have yourself the Best and most Loyal Devoted woman you could ever find.
I am bringing this Beautiful little pocket rocket out to Australia and if she likes it and can handle the cultural differences, she is a keeper who i will spoil at every chance i get. Good Luck Shakinth
Sep 30, 2010 05:19
GUEST12778 hi guys and girls.
john from perth australia again,
went to beijing to meet my lady and she was not what i was expecting,she got out of the taxi looking as beautiful as the photos that she sent me and she came to me with the biggest smile on her face, she was very shy twards me to receive a kiss on the cheek but accepted graciously.
the next few days were a learning experience for the both of us, we had a translator with us who was most welcome for the first four days.
after the four days,the translator left us together and we got on like a house on fire,the language barrier was not so bad as we both had speech translators but we used them very little.
after twelve days together, my chinese princess has returned to her family to tell them that we have both fallen in love with eachother and plan to marry next year, we have also been communicating for five months via email,
i will return to australia on the 2nd of october and return to make wedding plans later this year.
by the way, i met my lady on a web site called chnlove, there are forums on this site that have been very helpful to me and also some bad stories too, take them all with a pinch of salt.
Also, respect the ladys values,no means no, in every culture, i respect my ladys values and will do so forever, i have found my diamond and i will keep it the most valued treasure that i have found,,john perth australia.
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