Romancing a Chinese woman
Oct 13, 2010 01:18
GUEST42448 Rule number 1) Never believe a kind word she says.
Rule number 2) Never be afraid to ask for kinky and wild sex.
Rule number 3) Never believe that you and she can actually open a business in China.
Rule number 4) Always wear a condom (Hepatitis B and hard to kill strains of ghonerea and syphilis run rampant in China) Sometimes symptoms free in men - Awareness free in women.
Rule number 5) Never believe that she is single. She has a boyfriend.
Rule number 6) Never believe that she is serious about her boyfriend (they usually rarely meet).
Rule number 7) Do not eat the soup with a chicken head and chicken feet in it.
Rule number 8) Bring razor from your country to China - And give to her on first date.
Rule number 9) Bring extra tooth brush and give as gift (otherwise she'll use yours).
Rule number 10) If she says no (acting all sweet and only interested in a long term serious relationship including marriage (ask her why she took off her cloths).
Rule number 11) Pay close attention to what you see (when she gets out of that hotel uniform, she might not be what you were expecting).
Rule number 12) Bring your own spices - Trust me on this one.
Rule number 13) Bring camera - Chinese girls love to have their picture taken.
Rule number 14) Ask her what she thinks of negotiated infidelity. Do not assume you know what she's going to say.
Rule number 15) To make sure you got an honest answer on rule 14 - In the middle of heavy and hot-heated intercourse - Ask her if she will have a threesome (men, women, whatever).
Rule number 16) Do not mention rule 15 again until you're having heavy and hot-heated sex again.
Rule number 17) If she puts her make up on over an oily face (ask her why?) If she has dandruff real bad - Bring head and shoulders - And if she wears the same sweater and same pants 5 days straight - Bring victory's secret winter wear when you come.
Rule number 18) Make sure it's chicken soup and not cat soup.
Rule number 19) Do not drink the local whiskey.
Rule number 20) Buy round trip ticket and have get away planned. Do not believe the parents smiles are real.

And if you put a down payment on a house - Remember rules 1-20 (don't say nobody warned you.)
Nov 11, 2010 03:46
GUEST53783 i want to thank for all entries i just started to date chinese lady she is 35 she is divorced she tells me and she is very affectionate she was sick one weekend and she asked me to spend night with her and that surprised me cuz i always thought they were very conservative we had no sex but we hug all night. Am i thinking wrong? what advise can you give me. my original goa was just to have sex but she is very nice and now i thin i want serious relationship with her. i will take any advised please i dont think i want to loose friendship with her
Nov 11, 2010 17:15
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GUEST42448....hmmm, some truths but mostly racist rubbish. Newcomers to China or China dating should just ignore it as an attempt at humour (and if wasn't meant as humour he's not the kind of bloke any worthwhile Chinese girl would want, anyway)
Nov 12, 2010 15:53
The girl that I was going to meet, is now my wife. She and her son live with me here in China, and I think that I am the luckiest man in the world. She is so sweet, and I got a lot of good advice here. She has a great sense of humor, and is just happy with me being myself. I find that she isn't that different than anyone else I've been with. She enjoys it when I am happy, and I make sure that I pay attention, and ask her what she enjoys. She has been here for about 7 months, and there are little things about our cultures which clash, but mostly it is a wonderful experience being together, and exploring our relationship. I am so glad that I married a Chinese woman. Many of the others I have been with were so wrapped up in themselves, I felt like an emotional slave. She is very attentive to me, and also makes it clear what she needs from me, with a no worry type attitude. I am so in love, and plan on being with her forever. Thanks all. Armand
Nov 19, 2010 06:51
GUEST31451 Hi, Iam a 35years old ,Iam a business man from middle east , I always visit china 3 times per year , and has a good business relations in china , I dont speak chineese so usually I get a translator . I hope I can finde a sencir honest muslim girl who can speak english to be my wife and my business parener.|hesham_int
Dec 11, 2010 10:21
A chinese woman is still a woman. Treat her with love and respect and she will forever be yours.
Dec 12, 2010 16:57
I tryed to say the girl I went to see in China, and then she now lives with me here lol. We don't live in CHina, as much as I would like to sometimes.
Dec 18, 2010 22:33
GUEST51218 I seem to be jumping in this thread a bit late but here's the skinny on Chinese chicks you mental midgets... They are women. And all women have inherent traits, needs and wants and yes... sexually they'll want what other women world wide want.
Dec 20, 2010 17:15
GUEST55125 What I was asking in the beginning, you wanna be mental giant lol, is if there was anything cultural to it. I suppose you are going to tell me that all cultures around the world are exactly alike.
Dec 22, 2010 15:10
GUESTSHAHO hi i hope find chainese girl
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