Mistress market sucks during the financial crisis!
Mar 4, 2009 08:07
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IMO....the novelist was not too impressed with titled people, nobility, monarchs, wealth, etc, etc.
Mar 4, 2009 21:46
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Originally Posted by SUNNYDREAM

"Being a chick or a duck is a profession. Profession is just a profession. There is no distinction between the Noble and Base. Even a chick/duck has her/his dignity."

This is what I found in a Chinese novel. What do you think of these words?

SUNNYDREAM, probably here is the novel you mentioned -"Sunrise" written by Chinese playwright with high prestige name Cao, Yu. There is a word collection: ''The sun rises up, remains the darkness behind. But the sun does not belong to us, we have to sleep (die)..''This novel autheticly reflects the social phenomenon and cruel reality and as masterpiece, this novel with high literature achievments still has its vitality...dignity of survival is basic human right..

Here is the pic from this excellent movie that received academic rewards in China long time ago.

Mar 4, 2009 22:08
  • BBQQ
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Originally Posted by SUNNYDREAM

"Being a chick or a duck is a profession. Profession is just a profession. There is no distinction between the Noble and Base. Even a chick/duck has her/his dignity."

Not all chicks are dirty women. Some of them are forced to do that job. They came from some poor areas and dreamt of making money in cities. They never imagined to be prostitutes. However, the reality is too cruel.
Mar 12, 2009 22:33
GUEST48102 So, What is the proper term for the man who keeps a mistress? Not the usual words that some would call them.
Mar 22, 2009 21:18
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Originally Posted by GUEST48102

So, What is the proper term for the man who keeps a mistress? Not the usual words that some would call them.

I thought about this for a while but didn't find a proper term. As for the mistress, there are several terms in Chinese, such as 情妇 and 二奶. However, there seems to be no proper term for those who keep mistresses.
Mar 22, 2009 22:38
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Originally Posted by BBQQ

Not all chicks are dirty women. Some of them are forced to do that job. They came from some poor areas and dreamt of making money in cities. They never imagined to be prostitutes. However, the reality is too cruel.

I do believe that we are the masters of our lives. Unless they are being enslaved or kept against their will, they are always in a position to look for a decent job. If other women can work as waitresses, cleaners, clerks, sales ladies, vendors, etc etc, they can too. It's just a matter of wanting it. Many of these women (doesn't matter the nationality) actually prefer (meaning it is a choice) to be prostitutes because there is more money in that work.
Last edited by SHESGOTTOBE: Mar 22, 2009 23:09
Mar 22, 2009 23:12
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Originally Posted by BBQQ

Griz, if all men have the same idea like you, there won't be mistresses in the world. Unluckily, most men prefer to have more than one lovers. As I read in another post, it might be men's nature.

And there won't be any mistresses if there are no women who allowed themselves to be taken as mistresses.
Mar 23, 2009 03:27
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Originally Posted by SHESGOTTOBE

And there won't be any mistresses if there are no women who allowed themselves to be taken as mistresses.

Mistresses won't disappear as long as some men like to keep one or several mistresses and some women like to be mistresses too.
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