Asian women marry western men for fatherly love?
Apr 30, 2013 02:09
GUEST12525 You are totally mistaken, a lot of the Chinese girls are as scheming as any other girls, maybe even worse. They are so good at deceiving, you wouldn't even know you have been had. I know because I am a Chinese woman and I have inside knowledge.....
Jun 1, 2013 11:58

Originally Posted by GUEST12525

You are totally mistaken, a lot of the Chinese girls are as scheming as any other girls, maybe even worse. They are so good at deceiving, you wouldn't even know you have been had. I know because I am a Chinese woman and I have inside knowledge.....

I have a Chinese girlfriend whom I adore but I still get the feeling I don't know what's goin on when I go to work, I know this is a trust issue and because I work away 5 weeks at a time I can never really know. We have been together for a year now but I still get the feeling of dishonesty about certain things.
Sep 12, 2013 23:33
GUEST19336 Well said, i am an Aussie married to a Chinese Lady and is Buddhist also is very loyal and honest. My utmost respect for PRC.
Oct 16, 2013 19:50
GUEST37142 Well my GF of one year in America is Vietnmese..I am the first Westerner that she was with and she had a divorce with her Viet/Ameincan husban in which she obtained her citizenship already...

no cheating- unlike most viet guys alwasy cheating when they can
at first she viewed me as to sexual- now she likes more and more willing
i am not as romantic as viet guys i guess- viet guys are better at the little things
viet men pay everything even attempt to in large dinner parties- americans usually pay only for gf and themselves
viet guys typically lazier than americans- but smarter overall
viet guy always jeallous when i show up with her places- americans care less
mothers are cherished and taken care of by viet women/american mothers take care of daughters
lastly- chewing with mouth open is rude with americans- vietnames people usually do when a happy meal
i like door closed when showering- she likes keep open when shower to always watch (i have a friend with viet gf and says his girl does the same)
Oct 29, 2013 15:30
GUEST97175 This is me, Belgium looking for some whone to marry
kind regards Walter.
Nov 12, 2013 03:31

Originally Posted by PANDA_DING

i prefer similar age, not to younger than me, but not too old either, maybe around 5 years older than me is ok, but true love is hard to find...

Keep looking for your Mr. Right. He is perhaps waiting for you somewhere. Don't give up.
Mar 9, 2014 09:07
GUEST85108 why bash GUEST41291 for pointing out something so obvious. The only other thing is if they are happy, why spoil a good time. some of these women would sell their souls for dollars, sometimes the men facilitate this. i used to think something must be wrong with the asian men because there are excess of them by themselves, but now i am starting to think maybe it is their fate.
Mar 24, 2014 11:47
GUEST70139 Is this all sour grapes from Western women and bitter memories from jilted Western men... Grow up and face reality... The whole world is a multi cultural melting pot, people from all nationalities and races are marrying and intermarrying all over this great planet. I know of quite a few couples where he is 20, or more years older than her and they are both Australian. I know of many international couples where they are of equal age. And I know of some Asian couples where the man is 15 years or more older than the woman...
Is this all wrong? Of course not. There is disillusionment and divorce throughout the world with like and unlike couples. Why don't we just rejoice in the successful marriages despite any age or race difference. My wife was murdered after 32 years together and I tried to date western women, but at my age they were bitter and resentful divorcees or widows, emotionally crippled seeking a psychological crutch. By accident through a friend I met a Chinese lady... For those expecting the money grubbing Visa chasing Asian slut, forget it. She probably has more than I do... Her father was 13 years older than her mother so our age difference of 11 years does not phase her. Asian women in general are more feminine than Western women in general these days. I do not want her because I can dominate her, I want her because she makes me feel more like a gentleman and we can share our life...
I have been abused by Western women for attempting to give up my seat or hold a door open for them.
No wonder we men are fighting back and looking for more feminine ladies, who value family and home more than party and work and self.
We are losing our masculinity with Western women as they are losing their femininity and chasing equality in everything... We are not equal and will never be, women are so much more and different than man, why would they want to destroy our adulation of them?
Give me a sensual, feminine lady any time over a woman who wants me to be more feminine and her more masculine.
Nov 9, 2014 15:20
GUESTDOTENNIS I will begin with a simple statement made by an 83 year young American man. I am planning to marry a Chinese women many years my junior for the single purpose, to share a happy life with an adorable person. I had a successful marriage of 57 years with my first Angel and God has given me my second chance with heavenly lady. Why do skeptics try deflating the fact that two people can want to better the life of their mate, try for once to believe honesty can prevail. A lovely Chinese Lady is a gift from God!
Nov 24, 2014 12:43
GUEST55316 i find forme asian women are more for love and family american women are out for one thing do not have good job good by they leave you and all bills
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