Asian women marry western men for fatherly love?
Dec 26, 2011 17:15
GUEST85248 Yes and many of them have wives at home and lie to the Chinese women that their wife doesn't love them at home, or tell them they are getting a divorce when they are mine did.
Dec 26, 2011 17:56
GUEST94147 I have lived in Vietnam for a long time, and apart of my job is to observe human interaction.
Like with any culture or race you will always get the good with the bad. I completely understand the Australian man looking for a international wife (mostly Asian). About 70% percent of the men I have met through out my travels are general looking for love. The biggest mistake western men can make going overseas looking for a potential wife is the cultural differences.
Money does come into half of the situations.
Some Asian families have more money then western families. So the girls don’t give a shit about the money. They want the affection and to live the country to escape the strict parents. The richer the family the stricter they become.

Sadly the girls who think about money and to escape the customs that they are brought up on to live like western girls do. Can you blame them?, they watch alot of T.V these days and want the life style of western girls. To party, have sex with many guys, pretty much anything they like to do.. this is how the young generation see western girls. So girls in west don’t have no idea, and are quick to make assumptions. Get over yourselves, guys have found good women overseas and the girls don’t demand as much as western girls do. So the first thing girls do is jump the gun and label it as wrong for western guys to look for love overseas.. look at yourself before passing judgement on others. How many guys has a western girls had sex with before marriage? Generally a lot.
Guys my Advice guys is do some research before committing to a relationship. (common sense)

If a girl you are dating ask for money that is a sign. They will use many excuses why they need it, but its most likely not true. Generally Vietnamese girls in Vietnam don’t ask their partner they are dating for money. It's consider to be in polite. Yes pay for the dinners and going out, but don’t feel guilty and give money. Tough love will pay off in the long run trust me.

What you have to remember is a general wage for a factory worker in the provinces is around $200 Australian dollars a month. This is actually enough for the girl to live on for 1 month easy. I do reports all the time both in the North and South. Girls who work in the city get about $300 to $500 AUS dollars a month.. this is really good money and they have a very comfortable life.

To the girls who are born in AUS who have parents who are Viet background think they are Vietnamese.. I have seen over the years AUS born Viet come to Vietnam act like they are natives. The locals laugh at them and think of them as cash cows. IF you don’t live in the country nor are you born from IN the country STOP acting like you know shit.

Guys if you find love overseas then go for it! Its better to love then to never loved at all. Any experience good or bad is an experience worth having. Life would be boring if we didn’t have experiences.
Jan 12, 2012 11:53
GUEST48208 Asian women have many qualities and are quite beautiful. Why does it bother people so much if a white man dates or weds an Asian woman? It is your right to marry whoever you choose to. I find Asian women to be more feminine then American women.
Jan 25, 2012 08:07
GUEST18011 No, Im chinese and grow up here, chinese girls here marry american men for american citizen ships, these girls never get a chance to go to america, and marrying an american citizen is the easist way to go to america. Believe me, its for the citizen ship 99% of chance.
Feb 15, 2012 07:27
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I'm an Australian 49 yo man looking to love and to be loved. My experience with Australian women is not great. Unfortunately the ones I've met have been insecure and confused. And basically programmed to advance by deceiving those closest to them. Both sexes in Australian culture seem to be immature and lack long term family values. However from my observations. Asian women seem to have family honor and values driving their long term goals.
My ex wife after 20 years chose to leave a loving family environment. She would say otherwise. Partly because of a lack of support from her family and an insecurity in her that I never had an answer for. And she did what so many do. Attempted to solve sorrow by hopping into bed with a younger guy she worked with. A train wreck and five lives are turned upside down. Sad
I believe the maternal drive in Asian culture is strong. Generation after generation of family values being handed down. Australia in comparison is an infant when it comes to family values. We have only just left the insecure beginnings of settlement 200 years ago. The mentality is, if it feels good do it.
My belief is an Asian women might say to herself, just because it feels good doesn't mean it's good for you. And her ability to think beyond her own gratification is greater than that of the Australian women.

I understand my views will be causing trouble with those who feel Im betraying Australian culture. But from what I've seen with loud foul mouth aggressive Australian women versers the respectful polite nature of Asian women. Well it's a no brainer to put Asian women high on the list. Plus there is so many of them.
Feb 29, 2012 18:29
GUEST17490 Iam an asian girl.iam a Balinese girl.
I think not all asian girls marry western boys only for money. It might be some.
I love western boys cause they know how to treat women
Mar 2, 2012 22:32
GUESTPIPIN I married an American man, after 8 years of marriage he cheated on me twice, and treat me like crap. I'm very loyal to him and working hard to raised our three children at home. Sometime man just looking for woman that they can control. I love my country and I wish that I can move back there and have peaceful life.
Mar 3, 2012 06:47
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wow~~ it's a hit topic!
i am sure some chinese women who marry foreigners are looking for money and the green card.
at the same time,unfortunately,not all of them can live a happy life there.

marriage should build on love itself. not on other benefit! if you live with someone who you don't love,what kind of happiness you can get then?
Mar 3, 2012 06:49
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and i still believe in true love,waiting for its coming~
Mar 6, 2012 21:48

Originally Posted by ROXANNE_COOL

and i still believe in true love,waiting for its coming~

Good luck! Hope you won't be waiting too long.
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