Beauty or high morals?
Oct 26, 2009 23:56
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My aplogies HERBEAT. I will rephrase my question.
You say that men are shallow because they look for beauty in a woman and consider little else. So what does a woman look for in a man? If it's not physical attributes then what does she look for? Does this mean that the women who make themselves look attractive to catch the man are cunning? Does this mean that women are discerning but men are ruled by simple chemistry? Or does this mean that it's the women who are devious and the men who are honest?

It's often said that a man chases a woman untill she catches him.
Oct 27, 2009 00:50
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Umm, I think women like to use make up and wear nice clothes mainly to make themselves feel more "pretty" and this adds confidence. I have dated some outstanding women who could be models and I am not spectacular or anything like that. Most of the women I have dated all had one thing in common and that was I made them feel special. This doesn't mean that I went out of my way like sky writing or buying large diamonds.. Just to let them know that they were human and gave them attention when needed, listen to them when required and just doing simple yet memorable things. Not everyone is superficial and yes, I have also dated ordinary women yet, they were very beautiful in their own way. Not every women look for "Fabio"or super rich men..
Oct 27, 2009 05:57
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Bob, there's nothing to be sorry for, and you made your questions clear enough. But as I said, since I'm not good at generalization, I never tried to say something about man or woman. Just put something happened to my friends and me. Just saying. No comment. I'm not saying anything bad about men or women.

People are equally living on the world and they get their own rights to decide whatever they want to do. It's ok even if someone look for beauty. At least I don't mind since it's none of my business. Well... I think I should say I don't like it but that's all. I've no idea what the female look for. Some might look for the fortune, some fame or even some "physical attractions". But at the same time, there are people who just want to find someone whom she loves and who loves her. So do men. I always think love is the only standard reason for a relationship. I know I'm not concerntrate on your questions but those are what I want to say. ^-^ And you are always welcome to ask whatever you want to ask again.
If there's any mistakes, it would be great if you figure out. And thank you in advance FOR LETTING me know, teacher
Last edited by HERBEAT: Oct 27, 2009 06:00
Oct 27, 2009 06:04
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SUKUKI, I don't think all the women like to use make up. At least I try to avoid it as much as I can. I don't think the make-up is good for my skin and everytime I have to make a special mask after using the make up. The reason I use it is that it's said a female has to put some make up to show her respect if there're some very important guests....
Oct 27, 2009 14:47
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I think you answered my question and your own original question HERBEAT. We are all looking for different things.We are all unique and we shouldn't generalise.

"SUKUKI, I don't think all the women like to use make up" "I don't think the make-up is..." "...after using the make up"

Sorry, but I can't resist.There is no need to use the word "the".
Oct 28, 2009 00:21
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Hehe, Bob, thank you very much for letting me know again. I hope now I know how to use "thank you for doing"
Oct 28, 2009 00:29
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so, why are some people so obsessed with outer beauty? I'm over that stage and all I want is to live in peace and harmony yet, some people like to pull strings and push buttons.. I'm just waiting for some one to push my buttons..
Oct 28, 2009 01:39
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Originally Posted by SUKUKI

so, why are some people so obsessed with outer beauty? I'm over that stage and all I want is to live in peace and harmony yet, some people like to pull strings and push buttons.. I'm just waiting for some one to push my buttons..

Peace and harmony? Are you serious with the cars and graffiti? I also like peace and harmony very much. Well, I mean the inner...
Last edited by HERBEAT: Oct 28, 2009 01:41
Oct 28, 2009 02:25
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"thank you for doing" ...thank you for helping.
Oct 28, 2009 02:32
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Originally Posted by HERBEAT

Peace and harmony? Are you serious with the cars and graffiti? I also like peace and harmony very much. Well, I mean the inner...

Nah! that is just little distraction. Why can't someone seek peace and harmony in this mad world? I mean, you don't have to wear sandals and sit infront of Buddah status to seek inner sanctuary. If you are distracted by environment or surrounding, then you are not on same level as others. I know that I am not anywhere near some people with higher awareness and maybe, oneday I might get there if I am lucky enough.. by the way, its a motorcycle and not a "car"
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