What a crazy girl!!!
Nov 6, 2009 00:49
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A girl asked for 400 yuan from her parents but her dad and mom refused since they didn’t know how their daughter spent it. Then the girl became very angry and said that she would upload her SEX video on the internet if her parents didn’t give her the money. Her parents didn’t take it seriously.

To their surprise, their daughter did upload her SEX video on the internet. Then that video had spread widely. The girl and the boy in that video’s parents were annoyed very much. Even some schools were disturbed seriously because people guessed that girl was from one of these schools.

Eventually, the police found the girl and the boy. They were high school students. Considering of their ages (they were both minors), the police didn’t punish them. Some websites have also removed that video.

That girl was very crazy. How could she upload that video on the internet?
Nov 6, 2009 02:48
GUESTELL "How could she upload that video on the internet?"

Because very many Chinese youths do not have the same good values as their parents and forefathers. A lost generation has emerged in China and can be found in all the big cities throughout the country. Generation Y
Nov 6, 2009 03:37
GUEST7686 I am puzzled too. Today's students are very different from us. They do whatever they like.
Nov 8, 2009 22:02
That girl was very stupid. How could she do this just for 400 RMB? She hurt her parents and that boy's family a lot. If she didn't respect herself, no one would respect her too.
Nov 8, 2009 22:46
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The girl was stupid. She should have asked for 4000, not 400.
Nov 9, 2009 04:38
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Does anyone have a copy of the video by any chance?
Nov 9, 2009 15:56
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Do I detect a note of healthy skepticism DODGER?
Nov 9, 2009 21:48
Well, I guess that there are some copies of that video. Anything can spread very fast on the internet. Remember Edison Chen's sex photo scandal?
Nov 9, 2009 23:30
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Bob, your dead right, great story, and the writer should win an award for story of the year.
Nov 10, 2009 00:57
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I think skepticism and cynicism are two qualities that set westeners and Chinese apart. Would you agree DODGER?
Nov 10, 2009 05:08
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Bob, I have had many conversations with locals about the very same subject.
I take private English lessons on the weekends instigated and organized by a local English teacher.
But, I think quite possibly, that the real reason behind the classes is the chat that I can never avoid afterward.
I am aware that all schools have a political department so I am always careful with how I word my views.
I am beginning to form the belief that like Janus, there are two faces here; one public and one very private.
So, in answer to your question, I think the cynicism here takes a different form, a different shape; a Chinese puzzle perhaps? But certainly a real cultural difference.
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