Marry a rich guy! | |
Dec 2, 2009 19:59 | |
![]() | I kind of agree with Dodger. However, sense of insecurity and sensativity applies to whites and mixed from my experience. ''the well organized whores led by one old whore' that Bob describe, as far as i meet, know well on any filthy 'playing rules' with reap of endless bananas together with their unethical 'mates' including Chinese...Cheers! |
Dec 2, 2009 22:53 | |
![]() | Bison Man soon worked out that hunting bison’s with his bare hands was a high risk occupation. But with all that extra protein his brain grew and he invented a bow and arrow. His fame and reputation quickly spread for being able to “bring home the bison” And from that day he never looked back. He eventually moved to a harbour side cave along with his ever growing progeny and employed a team, paid with sea shells to do the dirty work for him. Banana Man did find a good ongoing supply of bananas and a bunch of Sheila’s that no self respecting hunter wanted. They even convinced him that they didn’t really like bison meat anyway. Yea right! All went well in the beginning. He’d sneak out early in the morning to the banana tree and pick a bunch and then back to the cave for some action. It ended, as all things must, when one of the girls decided to follow him. So the sisters discovered that that could be doing for themselves. So what did become of Banana Man? I heard on the grape vine that he moved up to Queensland and ended up shacking up with a bloke called…………...sorry, I can’t remember his name, it was such a long time ago. Dodger. |
Dec 3, 2009 00:06 | |
![]() | Very soon after Bison man moved to his new harbour side cave, things took a decidedly nasty turn. His exclusively carnivorous diet had left his arteries full of congealed cholesterol. His libido suffered first but his heart soon followed. Just prior to his final heart attack, he was slaughtered and devoured by his materialistic "whores" Banana man on the other hand moved to India. He was surrounded by beautiful vegetarian women content on munching on his big juicy banana all night long. The moral of the story you ask? A banana in the hand is better than a bison in the bush. |
Dec 3, 2009 00:35 | |
![]() | Bobert and Dodger, you are great! I am enjoying reading your stories. How will the story end at last? |
Dec 3, 2009 03:05 | |
![]() | When bison man died he was unaware that one of his carnivorous "whores" was carrying his child. By chance it was female. If he had not been cannibalized by his materialistic, loveless, deceiving "whore", he would have been horrified at his daughters fate. Soon after his untimely death her mother sold his daughter into marriage in return for a fresh bison. Banana man fathered many children. He lived a long and healthy life surrounded by his devoted concubines and many children. His offspring were raised as vegetarians and were never forced to trade sexual favors for food. Bananas were always plentiful so banana man and his harem were held together by love alone. |
Dec 3, 2009 06:55 | |
![]() | Many great men of the passed died in mystery. Did King Harold really die with from an arrow in the eye? Was Alexander the Great poisoned? Did Dodger the Gentle really ride with Kublai Khan across the steppes? And what was the final fate of a leader of his time; better known to us as Bison Man. Recent archeological excavations have at last started to reveal the truth; the real truth so shrouded in hearsay, misunderstanding, bigotry and just plain ignorance. So this dear readers is what can now be scientifically proved beyond any doubt. Remarkable his grave site has been found, close to were legends and camp fire stories have told us since time began. I still remember being rocked asleep by my Mother as she sang the songs of his many exploits. But I digress. His remains proved to be in remarkable condition considering time. His personal possessions reveled a life rich in culture and knowledge. Extensive testing on his remains remarkable reveals no high fat accumulation, as he would have used this as fuel in the hunt and the chase. There were signs of broken bones as would be expected in a life that was lived on the edge. The Scientists put the healing down to a diet rich in animal protein. They have also confirmed that he lived a long life, even in relation to modern times. So what became of his gene pool? Did it just dissipate like mist to a rising sun? One of the many stories that is now firmly embedded into folk law are of his last moment on this mortal coil. He had been carried back from the hunt after being caught by a bison horn right up the Khyber. He knew he was on his last legs, so he called for his many children and wife’s and his high priest. I’m no forensic scientist but this is the part where I smell a rat. The high priest, the leader of the Banana Benders holly order was none other than Banana Man, The same Banana Man who had sat dejected and humiliated at the mouth of that cave so many, many years ago, who had come back from India hailed as a guru ( yes, even the Beatle got conned) Was it possible that he slipped a rotting banana to Bison Man to hasten his demise or even course it and then go on to steal his very birthright? His last words have however been handed down from the dark mists of time. I remember them in the song that my old Mum used to sing to me. “I’ll be back” I’m expecting to receive the result of the DNA testing from Bison Man any time now. It will reveal some interesting facts. Are any of us related? Cheers, Dodger. |
Dec 3, 2009 13:56 | |
![]() | Following the recent discovery of hieroglyphics found in India I did some research of my own. The carvings were found in temples in Khajuraha, India where many Kama Sutra writings have been discovered. When translated they revealed the presence of an ancient sex god. This man was sexually insatiable and women worshiped his intimate knowledge of the art of satisfying women and his general sexual prowess. The hieroglyphics contained explicit drawings of a man with a huge banana shaped appendage surrounded by dozens of doting concubines. It was none other guessed it....Banana man! The drawings also revealed the presence of many male servants to the sex deity, Banana man. Strangely, the carvings depicted all his servants were castrated. This was said to be done to help stop the spread of a rampant local disease known as "Bisonitus". This disease was said to be a genetic disorder and spread by desendants of bison man. It was diagnosed by the atrophy of the male sex organ. All bison mans desendents were destined to become eunichs either through disease or self mutilation. The strange thing is that "Bisonitus" was never proven to have actually caused the male sex organ shriveling. It was discovered that all the desendents of bison man mutilated their own sex organs through fear of the disease. It was only many centuries later that the identity of the man who invented "Bisonitis" become known. It was...well I'm sure you can guess. No wonder all the carvings found of banana man showed such a huge smile on his face. |
Dec 10, 2009 03:45 | |
![]() | Dodger, is this the end of the story? |
Dec 11, 2009 02:44 | |
![]() | hehe, Well, I believe everyone prefer the ture love rather than money or looking or something else. The men or women 'want to marry money or beautful lookings' because they haven't found their real love. No matter they are chinese or people in other countries. |
Dec 11, 2009 21:33 | |
![]() | Cherry, yes sadly it is, apart from this small post script. My long awaited mail finally arrived just the other day with the results on the DNA testing of Bison Mans last mortal remains. But to Bob’s report on Banana Man: Can I add at this point that I have been extremely loath to criticize a fellow member of the TBS society. I have never been to India, so I turned to my Wife on this to ask if she had ever heard of the Banana cult. She’s travel to the continent on numerous occasion for study purposes. Yes, indeed she had heard of them and has in fact seen some of the carvings that Bob speaks about. The problem with totally relying on the internet for information is that much of it is either false or a mixture of truth, half truths and just plain misunderstanding. This is probably what happened when Bob googled “Banana Man” My Wife tells me that what she saw was carving that had been mutilated and defaced. She asked the Guru who she was visiting about this cult. He was extremely reluctant to talk about them. Eventually though, over a hot bowl of steaming curried dog he relaxed and told her the real story. Unfortunately, it is too gruesome and gory to repeat here as children use this site. What I can reveal though is that as with all weird cults it did attract a, can we say, a motley collection of followers. The remains of this cult still exist to this very day. They can be found in Queensland. They’ve even erected a huge banana. Tourist travel to see it. The cult followers live in the hinterland on banana plantations. I don’t know if they still follow some of their old and disgusting rituals. Lets hope not. But back to Bison Man and the eagerly awaited results of the DNA testing. It is a matter of scientific fact that we are all, and I include the entire world population, descendants of just six females. The amazing fact is that they are all the daughters of Bison Man. So next time you look into a mirror Bison Man will be looking back. Say hello. Dodger AKA SOBM. |
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