Is Michelle a good name?
Apr 4, 2010 03:12
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HERBEAT; Here is a link to The Beatles, Michelle. Of course there are many people named Michelle but I always recall this song when I meet one. Try listening and judge for yourself if it fits your friend.
Apr 4, 2010 03:42
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Nice amusement Dodger^-^ And thank you for such a long posting... I wish you didn't type every word yourself? Hmm.. I have to admit I used the dictionary a lot when I'm reading it.. Too difficult for someone has a poor level of English, hehe... Anyway, I'm getting more and more interested with the names^-^ So maybe I could look it up on google - thanks to someone's silly advice from part of the fight... Oh, BTW, I looked Yolanda up but it seems its not quite nice...
Apr 4, 2010 03:43
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Originally Posted by BOBERT

HERBEAT; Here is a link to The Beatles, Michelle. Of course there are many people named Michelle but I always recall this song when I meet one. Try listening and judge for yourself if it fits your friend.

Thank you Bob. I'll try... But now I think I need to go and get ready for th e trip to Shanghai tomorrow... Will stay there for a couple of weeks.. Wish me a great time
Apr 4, 2010 03:43
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Originally Posted by BOBERT

HERBEAT; Here is a link to The Beatles, Michelle. Of course there are many people named Michelle but I always recall this song when I meet one. Try listening and judge for yourself if it fits your friend.

But hmm... any idea on Yolanda?
Last edited by HERBEAT: Apr 4, 2010 03:43
Apr 4, 2010 03:44
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I just clicked the submit but there're two postings.. So I edit the last one...
Apr 4, 2010 05:26
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Gender: Feminine
Usage: Spanish, English
Pronounced: yo-LAHN-də (English) [key]

From the medieval French name Yolande, which was possibly a form of the name Violante, which was itself a derivative of Latin viola "violet". Alternatively it could be of Germanic origin.
This name was borne by a 12th-century empress of the Latin Empire in Constantinople, who was originally from Flanders. It was also used by her descendents in the royal families of Hungary (spelled Jolánta) and Spain (sometimes spelled Violante). Another famous bearer was a 13th-century countess of Vianden in Luxembourg who joined a convent against her parents' wishes, later becoming the subject of medieval legend.

So it seems that you are named after an Empress or a flower.
My guess would be the former.
Good luck in Shanghai.
‘the Artful one’.
Apr 4, 2010 09:07
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Thank you Dodger. That's exactly the same as the one I found. But I also read the comments under the explanation.. Some of them are not quite nice...
When I chose the name for myself, I just went through a list of female names and when I read that one, I felt I like it so I did... Anyway, a name is a name... - That's what I think...
The flower one, hehe...
Apr 4, 2010 15:59
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HERBEAT is becoming quite concerned that you have not been keeping up with her postings lately. She is particulary worried that you couldn't locate the latest stoush. I explained to her that you no longer as young or nimble as you once were, and perhaps it would be better if we just left you behind in our wake. For some inexplicable reason she seems to enjoy your company. Maybe its a great grandfather fetish.

I dropped plenty of bread crumbs so that you could find the way but I forgot you eyesight is failing. We noticed you wandering past and yelled to attract your attention, then we remembered you are also hard of hearing. When you are young and agile like HERBEAT and me it's difficult to imagine how feeble the elderly are.

The dispute is now over but your surrogate great granddaughter would like you to visit the combat zone to survey the damage. It is here;Travel companions/VISITING BEIJING APRIL 21 APRIL 30.

I will be waiting to help with your walking frame.
Last edited by BOBERT: Apr 4, 2010 16:04
Apr 4, 2010 17:48
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I just realised that "Travel companions/VISITING BEIJING APRIL 21 APRIL 30" is a long way away for someone of your advanced years. This site is much closer and has wheelchair access."Travel companions/Guide/Travel companion for China tour." HERBEAT and I know the elderly suffer from incontinence and alzheimers, so don't forget to pack extra nappies and a map for the long journey.
Apr 4, 2010 20:33
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Bob, I’m back, back that is from just fitting a fresh colostomy bag. The new ones come with extra capacity which is more than welcome as it has now substantially increased my range.

You are of course correct about age and a dimming memory.
They say that one of the first signs of aging is forget to zip up your flies.
The second is to forget to unzip them.
But I am daily encouraged as I carefully, with canes griped tightly in both hands, slowly, very slowly shuffle over prostrate nubile young bodies, outstretched on yoga mats before me, and I hear the murmur ripple through the studio, ‘there goes Dodger’ AKA, the Tiger.

Bob, jealousy is a terrible curse. It will eat you up and destroy you from the inside.
Maybe you need red meat?

Cheers, Dodger.

PS. The Handmaidens send their warmest regards.

PPS. Perhaps Herbeat appreciates and recognizes class when she sees it?
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