Is Michelle a good name?
Apr 4, 2010 22:09
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DODGER; I'm delighted you found your way to a computer while still remembering your name. Well done! If you keep making progress like this, soon you'll be able to feed yourself again. However I'm sure you'll miss "open wide for the aeroplane" from your geriatric nurse as she spoon feeds you and wipes the leftovers with your bib. Never mind, you can make up for the loss with extra potty training.

It is difficult to deduce HERBEATS acceptance of the old and frail. The Chinese are famous for their great respect for the aged but HERBEAT seems to have taken it to extremes. She now even defers to the moribund. As to your suggestion that her appreciation of you is a sign of recognition of class....I think your colostomy bag is overflowing. Your bodily waste has overrun it's containments. Or to use the far more colourful colloquialism. Your full of #%*&...!

P.S. I think now is a good time to have your hearing aid checked. What you mistakenly believed people saying as you went past, was not "there goes Dodger AKA, the Tiger." It was in fact "Lookout! Here comes Dodger, AKA the dribbler"

Apr 5, 2010 01:11
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Bob, to be honest (?) I have had some recent challenges in staying vertical lately but I seem to have pulled through. I put it down to good karma.
Nurse Wang has been very very kind to me and certainly gives ample motivation to stay on this mortal coil just that little bit longer.
As it has been a public holiday here the ‘Handmaidens” decided to give me a special treat and take me shopping.
When I first lay eyes on it I immediately thought of you.
It’s hand stitched and can be worn on either the left or right hand. It’s also reversible; fur on one side and distressed leather on the other and comes in tan or chocolate.
I had to guess your glove size though, so I opted for extra large, so I am hoping that it fits. but if the glove fits, wear it.
It should go a long way in helping you get that dirty water off of your chest.
EMS have promised delivery in five days.
But when you receive it no pictures please. This is a family web site.

Nurse Wang is calling so I have to potter off. Apparently it’s time for my bed bath. It’s my third one today. Do you think she’s taking advantage of me?

You are of course correct again; there is just no fathoming the mind of a woman..
But it would be inappropriate and ungallant of me to argue with Herbeat’s taste in friends.

Cheers, Dodger.

PS, the “Handmaidens” have asked me to send a G’day from them.
Apr 5, 2010 02:32
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Dodger, I have had similar challenges to remain vertical but mine are all self induced. I await your gift with great expectations. It sounds perfect, and most timely. I have tired from desensitising my hand by sitting on until it goes numb. Your most thoughtful gift will alleviate that requirement.

Extra large size is perfect, and it might even fit my hand as well. You must excuse my absence for a few days when it arrives.

I agree that there is no accounting for womens taste in men. If there were, your gift would be entirely superfluous to my needs. Enjoy your third bath for the day.
Apr 5, 2010 07:43
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So bath time is over and the girls have kindly helped me back into an upright position so I can type without too much pain, but I wish the bells would stop. But what would you expect, it is Sunday after all.
Without trying to embarrass you Bob, can I say publicly that your words of encouragement have meant a lot to me. Shining like a beacon in the darkness. Reminds me of my days sailing in the North sea..
We all understand that you have some personal issues, far too delicate to discuss on this forum, but with that in mind, it makes you extended hand of friendship even more appreciated.
Thanks old friend.
Nurse Wang is calling; it’s time I was away.
Cheers, Dodger.

PS. The submarine was great fun, until the elastic band broke.

PPS. Nurse Wang said that because I was so good today on my monthly outing I could play dress ups tomorrow. Any suggestions?
Apr 5, 2010 08:28
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So.....back to names
I was asked to help select an English name for a friend. Her Chinese name is Zhuo which in English sounds a little like Jo. I suggested the name Joy which means happiness, pleasure, delight. As she has a happy smiling nature and the name sounds like her Chinese name, Joy seemed ideal.
Apr 5, 2010 11:50
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Hmmm... seems there's a lot going on everytime I'm away... As I just landed, I didn't have time to finish them all but it seems Bob and Dodger are getting on very well with each other? Quite interesting, hehe.. And the part about me? I'll try to come back soon... if I could survive... Good day guys^-^
Apr 5, 2010 16:08
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Dodger, so it's dress up day today. Suggestions? Mmmm. Well, last time you dressed up in fishnet stocking and stilettos you becomne overexcited so I wouldn't try that one again. I have to admit you looked good in baby clothes, but the pink bow was a bit over the top. The nurse idea left terrible stains on your neatly pressed uniform so I wouldn't go there again either. A headmistress? A dominatrix? Policewoman? Hey, there seems to be a recurring theme here. All females.

I have it! The perfect dress up for you. A fireman! You would look perfect with those big yellow pants and red braces. Or maybe a doctor? Nurse Wang would be very impressed. You could even play doctors and nurses together. Just be careful where you put your stethoscope.
Apr 6, 2010 00:53
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A fireman... Bob, I still remember the pics with the fireman dress you sent me^-^ I'm sure if Dodger tried, he'll look more likely to become one of the charactors in the novels^-^
Apr 6, 2010 03:28
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Hey Yolanda. That reminds me. I don't think you ever sent ME a picture. I promise I won't forward it to Dodger. You know how he drools over pictures and we wouldn't want any stains on it.
Last edited by BOBERT: Apr 6, 2010 03:32
Apr 6, 2010 04:43
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Bob, what’s all this about you sending happy snaps to Yolanda?
I’m sure the rest of the forum would like to see a real action man.
So be a man, and post it up.

A case of beer that Bob bottles it.
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