Is Michelle a good name?
Apr 7, 2010 15:18
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Originally Posted by HERBEAT

hmm... I find the topic is getting a bit far away for female like me?

Your right Yolanda.It was just a bit of fun but it went a bit too far as always. Children will be children.

It was all Dodgers fault. He is the troublemaker. I think you and I should stop talking to him untill he promises to behave himself.

P.S. I think he has a crush on Larry's boy and wants him all to himself.
Apr 7, 2010 22:29
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Hehe, I think we'd better thank Christine - she didn't delete any of the postings... hmm.. a bit surprised... She's too kind to you... And Dodger & Larry's boy? Sounds interesting^-^
Apr 7, 2010 22:39
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Good point Yolanda. If you are watching Christine, I would be grateful if you would delete that last picture I posted. It gets Dodger too excited.
Apr 8, 2010 04:57
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I have been given the honour of announcing the CTG committees’ first ever annual Forum member award, for outstanding postings of a ‘special kind’.
It is to highlight contributions made, and to reward and encourage members to take a more active part in the Forum.
To demonstrate a complete unbiased decision the committee was formed from the following members and staff; Christine, our Moderator, Yolanda, our very own Chinese travel guide expert, Larry B, to bring clarity in direction and my humble self to bring integrity.

The grand prize consists of the following;
A magnificent silver trophy engraved with the winners’ name.
A slow boat to China, (steerage class)
A standing only ticket from Tianjin to Baotuo, were the winner will be met by Mr. Wang, who will transport the said winner on one of his two yaks, Ying or Yang, the winner gets to choose and then on to Mr. Wang’s’ yurt which is somewhere in the Gobi desert.
Please note; Mr. Wang’s English is not that good, but at 75 he knows every blade of grass. There is no better guide, trust me.

The return journey has yet to be confirmed, but a minor detail.

So without further ado I am proud to able to announce the winner of the inaugural winner of the annual award for the TBGOTF as our very own Bob, AKA, Bobert, for those new here.

Bob, can I be the first to congratulate you.
Apr 8, 2010 06:24
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Congratulations Bobert, We will be awaitng your arrival when you get to the prize destination. By that time the food and beer will be gone,, wake us up when you get off the slow boat. Watch out for Mr.Wang!!! His name has meaning!!,, and it will be my turn to put the slimy ping pong ball in your beer!!,, Trust me your beer will not taste the same. Gotta go Have a Blast and congrats again. Larry
Apr 8, 2010 15:49
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Originally Posted by DODGER

I have been given the honour of announcing the CTG committees’ first ever annual Forum member award, for outstanding postings of a ‘special kind’.

I am overcome with emotion. Dodger knows my penchant for events of a "special kind", and this award will ensure a most happy ending to my day.

However as exhilarating as this award is, there is something that would make it perfect. To be accompanied by Larry on this journey. To walk off into the sunset swinging hands with Larry would be bliss. How about it Larry? As Rick said in Casablanca.. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
Apr 8, 2010 15:53
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DODGER;"I have been given the honour of announcing the CTG committees’ first ever annual Forum member award, for outstanding postings of a ‘special kind’."

I am overcome with emotion. Dodger knows my penchant for events of a "special kind", and this award will ensure a most happy ending to my day.

However, as exhilarating as this award is, there is something that would make it even better. To be accompanied by Larry and Dodger on this journey of discovery would make it perfect. A chance to get to each other more intimately. An oportunity for a ménage à trois of a "special kind". To walk off into the sunset swinging hands with Larry and Dodger would be bliss. How about it Larry? What do you say Dodger?As Rick said in Casablanca.. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
Last edited by BOBERT: Apr 8, 2010 16:04
Apr 8, 2010 18:09
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Larry, Dodger and Bobert. The three muskateers! (I'm the good looking one on the left with the extra long.....sword). Dodgers on the right with the embarrassingly short one. And that's Larry in the middle dangling his limp one.
Apr 8, 2010 20:20
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Dartanion was always vane thinking he always got the girls because of his big sword, ,,back then he got more than he bargained for, when showing off his sword........with red spots and other creepy crawlythings. Not a good practice back then especially with the clap and im not talking about putting my hands together. I will not speak for dodgers sword, he will have to defend himself with that one. dont be fooled by the limp sword, sleeping giants do awake and "With a little help from my friends" the damsels and not the beatles. An unsavory alliance, but stable,,, these 3 musketeers!! Walking off into the sunset sounds nice, but I hope I still have my sword the next morning and dont breathe on me when Im sleeping. Keep your sword clean there Dartanion and dont put it into a compromising position or it might rust and fall off.
Apr 8, 2010 22:23
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At the risk of plagiarising Dwight D, It's not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, it's the size of the fight in the dog. So there is still hope for Dodger with his linear challenged sword. More like a dagger than a sword really. It must feel very uncomfortable rattling around in his scabbard barely touching the sides.

Speaking of Dodger, he seems to have gone AWL. I hope he hasn't turned hetrosexual on us. TWO muskateers doesn't have quite the same ring about it.

All for one, and one for all!
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