Can cleavage cause earthquakes?
May 15, 2010 22:07
  • LOKI
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When I get my share of the booty because we are almost there, this is one of the things I am goin to buy.

May 15, 2010 22:08
  • LOKI
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then Im goin to buy one of them thar vacation picnic cars with a slide out table to eat at the park or the beach. How convenient!!

May 15, 2010 22:32
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I miss alot in 2 days leaving...
Oh, so tired to see through pages of your posts, guys! Huh, how things turnabout?
May 15, 2010 22:48
  • LOKI
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we are on the high seas now looking for buried treasure do you want to ride on Larryboys aka captain Blacks ship? we will be the first to get the treasure. I will give you a share of mine if you go with us!
May 15, 2010 23:10
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My apologies to Pirates and assorted wrenches.
Nurse Wang had gone to the trouble of organizing a special treat for me. One that I felt compelled to accept.
A ride in a shiny, brand new Beijing ambulance.
The locals also enjoyed the spectacle by helping to carry me shoulder height to the door. It was quite a party atmosphere..
I can confirm that despite flashing light and sirens blearing, nobody gives way to ambulances in China.
I am also in a position to confirm that the ceiling of the emergency theater has some pretty red spots on it.
Loki, I may need to borrow your car soon.
But back OT.

At Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay,
And a pinnace, like a flutter'd bird, came flying from far away.
‘Spanish ships of war at sea! We have sighted fifty three!'
Then sware Lord Thomas Howard: ‘'fore God I am no coward;
But I cannot meet them here, for my ships are out of gear,
And half my men are sick. I must fly, but follow quick.
We are six ships of the line; can we fight with fifty three?'
May 15, 2010 23:19
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Ahoy me buckos. The seven seas ain't big enough for TWO pirates! There is only one treasure and only one Dainty to go round. So it's time to send the pretender to dine with the fish.

Your in Davey's grip now Cap'n Black. Aye my hearties, lay a broadside of six pounders across the bow and bring em to heave ho. Then come about and send em to the bottom. She's only a lugger and no match for our man- o- war. Cap'n Blood rules the waves!
May 16, 2010 01:02
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Dodger; The inside of a Chinese ambulance and the ceiling of an emergency ward are two places I definatley have no interest in seeing. I trust the reason you viewed both is a false alarm brought about by an overzealous Nurse Wank. If by some conspiracy of circumstance she got it right, I wish you a speedy recovery and a quick return. Lokis vehicle would be far better employed on a picnic.
May 16, 2010 02:29
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Blood, is was a mere heart rhythm disorder brought on by climbing the mizzen a little too quickly and me acting like a girls blouse.
Pity I couldn’t have sold tickets for the send off. Couldn’t have been much on TV at the time.
Actually seeing the blood on the emergency room ceiling help me focus.
It could have been much worse; it could have been mine.

But if by some chance I do disappear from this forum, it will mean either of the following.
The Mods have banded me; I’ve been sunk by Black, or I’m dead.
May 16, 2010 02:48
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Originally Posted by DODGER

But if by some chance I do disappear from this forum, it will mean either of the following.
The Mods have banded me; I’ve been sunk by Black, or I’m dead.

A curious thought just occured to me. I would have absolutely no idea which of the three was the cause. In fact we would almost certainly never know. In view of that, and if the most likely cause of your demise comes to fruition, kindly ask Nurse Wank to post a copy of your obituary on this forum. Or she could simply attach an explanatory note with my inheritance.
Last edited by BOBERT: May 16, 2010 02:51
May 16, 2010 03:01
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Hey Gloomy...You have to choose a side before you can play. You can choose Larryboy, Also Known As Cap'n Black, but his ship is currently taking water. Dodger, AKA Admiral Hornpipe, but he has one foot in the grave. Bobert AKA Cap'n Blood, but he looks like he will soon have Dainty sliding down his slippery plank. Or me.
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