Can cleavage cause earthquakes?
May 16, 2010 04:15
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Gloomy, don’t listen to Rosco, he’s just hired help and in reality (he doesn’t live there) knows little.
But for one with an IQ of room temperature on a cool day, we should expect no more.

“but he looks like he will soon have Dainty sliding down his slippery plank. Or me.”

I have only just realized that Rosco is Gay; not that there’s anything wrong with that.

P.S. there are dark clouds on the horizon yonder. The battle approaches.
May 16, 2010 05:06
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My lookouts have just spotted Black, in the water, holding on to a barrel for his life’s worth.

Has there been a falling out between thief’s?
Skullduggery, I’ll wager.
Only Captain Blood would have the cold heart to inflicte this heinous crime.

Launch the rescuer boat Number One.
Lets see what lives can be saved from this carnage.

May 16, 2010 06:14
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Ahaaaa Capt. Hornpipe through the smoke and mirrors and rockets red glare, one of your own was hit!! I suffered only minor leakage ( I hate when that happens) old age I guess) ..but nothing what a little glue cant fix from the ( tiniest horse thread) ....Here let me move my ship and you will see...........

May 16, 2010 06:15
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But proudly she ( my ship still looks great)

May 16, 2010 06:20
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it was a close call but onward I sail,,,,,, He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day!!! Sorry gents there is a treasure to be found.
I need a fair maiden for a traveling companion, the one on the bow of my ship, is too frigid.
May 16, 2010 06:24
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haha again I say ONWARD!!!!

Last edited by LARRYBOY: May 16, 2010 06:26
May 16, 2010 08:37
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Black, what I can’t stand is when a chap refuses to acknowledge when he has been beaten fair and square.
You and Blood are of similar ancestry, both sent to the colonies in servitude of some shape or form.
Surrender now; I can’t say like a gentleman, because of that you will never be, but at least surrender will you still have an ounce of dignity in your wounded body, man..

May 16, 2010 08:43
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Rosco; Your complexion concerns me, you look more yellow than I....our attractiveness does not come into the equation if you are being ravaged by this terrible disease of jauncirrhep (jaundice/cirrhosis/hepatitis). I need someone strong to protect me but unfortunately as I have predicted Blood has become George...........irresistible to all............which lead to Dodgers dodgy heart working overdrive, although he will say otherwise.

Blood; I cannot and will not be a true buccaneer, my poor Mother did not name me Dainty in vain, what will she think if I sauntered through the threshold like a marionette saying naarr at every sentence I will be disowned!!
May 16, 2010 13:47
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Hornpipe,, you have made me wince a little in pain from an unfair and futuristic advantage bringing out 16 inch naval guns. You leave me no other alternative but to protect my ship and my undeserving motely crew and myself with technology that is also futuristic, which will be like traveling with a protective field around my ship. I have hired the Italian actress Sophia Loren as my first officer to oversea the ships security as she stands noticeably from all directions on my ship. I dare you now to take a shot at me Hornpipe.
Security now activated!!
May 16, 2010 13:48
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