Can cleavage cause earthquakes?
May 16, 2010 16:13
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Originally Posted by DODGER View Post

Black, what I can’t stand is when a chap refuses to acknowledge when he has been beaten fair and square.
You and Blood are of similar ancestry, both sent to the colonies in servitude of some shape or form.
Surrender now; I can’t say like a gentleman, because of that you will never be, but at least surrender will you still have an ounce of d...

I have no idea what I would have reacted if I had been defeated or won. As a third party looking at this wrestling no matter whether it's physcially or mentally, the winner in this round should stop going further and the beated one (not the same as loser) should raise hands to keep the last one: dignity and life.
May 16, 2010 17:37
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Cap'n Black; It seems you have been telling porkies to Admiral Hisownhornblower. Your (ex) ship has been sighted. Looks like just you and me now Admiral.

Dainty:I confess the thought of my newfound riches went to my head and created slight delusions of grandeur. However now that I have revealed my true self I'm sure you will see I am far more handsome than George, and my complexion is far more ruddy than Roscos. Alas, it's too late to throw yourself at my feet and beg forgiveness. You are far too fragile to be a buccaneers wench. I think it's the white picket fence and the gardening for you.

May 16, 2010 18:01
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Blood only to you I admit temporary defeat, but not with out a parting shot!!! My security officer has blown the ballasts in my sub and we are going down under and traveling back to the Orient. I will stop in Italy and drop off my bodyguard Sophia. Heres one for you Blood.

May 16, 2010 18:03
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OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH ,, doin the dance!!! uh huh uh huh, stick that one in your pipe and smoke it. See you again if you make it back.

May 16, 2010 18:13
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Yes you are right my heart was not where it should be. Any more sea air and my sanity will sunk to the deepest pit of the ocean. I therefore bid you adieu and thankful my booty shall remain pert and yours...fattened.
May 16, 2010 18:16
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Or flattened...if you make it back...
May 16, 2010 18:23
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Blood would of pushed you on his slippery plank and your booty would of been his. Stay sweet Dainty and you are always welcome to travel the world with us anytime,, we will look you up again. Here is something for your time with us. Take this and run quickly away and the further you get from Rosco,, the less yellow in color you will be. A gift for you

May 16, 2010 18:59
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One week agao I foresaw that the delicate Dainty would prefer a career in knitting to the thrill of watching blaggards dance at the end of a rope. I knew she would enjoy crochet in preference to severing limbs and burying shipmates alongside treasure to insure secrecy. That's when I decided to shanghai the lovely Yolanda and stowed her in my cabin below. Now you know why you haven't heard from Yolanda her for so long. She has been...preoccupied.
There comes a time when a buccaneer knows the odds are stacking up against him. Captain Hisownhorblower is a lackey of the system and his pursuit would be relentless. Cap'n Blood has resorted to weapons of mass destruction to seek revenge. Dainty is content painting her nails.
I have recovered the buried treasure, slaughtered my crew, burned my ship and wandered from the beach into the jungle. There is a fork in the road with many direction markers; Gotham City, Sherwood Forrest, Camelot, The Colosseum, Tranlyvania etc etc. But which to choose?

Last edited by BOBERT: May 16, 2010 19:01
May 16, 2010 20:42
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Originally Posted by BOBERT

I have recovered the buried treasure, slaughtered my crew, burned my ship and wandered from the beach into the jungle. There is a fork in the road with many direction markers; Gotham City, Sherwood Forrest, Camelot, The Colosseum, Tranlyvania etc etc. But which to choose?

Most of the powerful ones , except upstarts, would continue their voyage on the ocean with the recovered wealth obtaining a new aircraft carrier, more upgraded submarines, re filtering old crew and recruiting new well trained crew members...Peacefully they sink themselves down always for getting more power..
May 16, 2010 21:02
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So ends another blind ending to a sourly morbid story, of intrigue and bungling mesh between time warps and weapons of ( I say Mess destruction) Marrie gets the last kick in as this tale of confusing comedy comes to an end.
I see a light in the sky,, could this be a call of distress from a city under siege by heinous crime figures? Sherlock Holmes would run and hide from this next cast of characters,, but I see a red telephone and the spot light in the sky could only mean....................

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