Can cleavage cause earthquakes?
May 7, 2010 22:29
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LB, I do not seek high office for myself, as I am the shy retiring type.
I would however make myself available, if needed to head the Ministry of Finance department
My ‘handmaidens’ would probably help me count the money.
When I first sited the add looking for a Dictator, my first thought turned to Bob.
I think he would make a fine candidate.
I gather that the position does come with some risk attached however, as the last three have met with untimely ends.
You may want to consider heading up the ‘Ministry of Truth‘?
Yolanda, the cabinet is forming quickly. Choose your department before positions close.
May 7, 2010 22:59
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Ok I am in!! I will head the truth ministry. Lets gather other cabinet members. I will be seeking a personal secretary,, unfortunately Dodger has nurse Wang. I will continue to look. Where is Dainty in all this?,, she is missing out. I call on Laugh to join us. Yolanda please jump in we need your expertise, as Guru. I am hoping Loki crawls out of hiding, to help out. Dodger if i find the right secretary, I might need to borrow your heart monitor.
May 7, 2010 23:09
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I herby wish to tender for the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs. I have always wanted to have a foreign affair so this could be my perfect opportunity. I said "tender" rather than "apply" because I realise a cash payment will be required to secure this most coveted portfolio. Rest assured a large brown enveope will land on your doorstep quite soon.

If the said brown envelope is not sufficient to land me this plum job I have an alternative ministry in mind. Minister for Getting Even with Sharebrokers and Financial Advisers. I have a few scores to settle and would welcome the chance to murder with state sanction. Tortures,disembowelments, limb severings, fingernail removals and tongue extractions will be done ex gratia.
May 7, 2010 23:15
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Now if that doesnt attract Loki,, I dont know what will. He enjoys capital punishment as a snack. Foreign affairs is a must, when in a cabinet, or other dark places
May 7, 2010 23:43
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Ermm... is there any choices for me?
May 7, 2010 23:56
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Bob, the envelope has been successfully delivered. I take it that this was just a down payment on the monthly fee?
The position is of course yours as we are running a dictatorship, and there are ample ‘jobs for the boys’. You’ll make a first class Minister I’m sure. As we are starting with a clean sheet of paper, the agenda is for you to set as you deem fit.

Larry, I may have a spare ‘handmaiden’ for you, if you are short on help.
I came home yesterday to find the carpet in my study missing.
It was in the shower cubicle!
Apparently she has never used a vacuum cleaner before.
I did make a mention of you to Nurse Wang. Her reply was, ‘I’m here to help the needy, not the greedy”
But Gents, back to the main issue here. We still need to decide who will be the ‘Dictator’
Maybe it could well be Yolanda?
May 8, 2010 03:56
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Dodger; My apologies. I should have realised that, 1,000,000 yuan was insulting. To you, it must have looked more like a tip than a bribe. Obviously I am not worthy of being considered for your cabinet.Consequently I will step aside and allow Yolanda to be Minister for Foreign Affairs. I wish her luck in her new role. I will be happy instead to accept the portfolio of Minister for Reprisals.
May 8, 2010 04:52
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Thank you Bob. But I think I'd also like to step behind and watch how you guys doing... Anyway, what's the whole thing about again?
May 8, 2010 06:05
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So to clarify Yolanda, you complain that you haven’t been offered a position in the new cabinet, Bob steps aside to offer you a plum roll, and you step back and say “But I think I'd also like to step behind and watch how you guys doing”.
I’m confused.
May 8, 2010 09:36
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Hehe, Dodger, I'm sorry if I made you feel confuse.. But hmm... there's a word called women^-^
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