Can cleavage cause earthquakes?
May 8, 2010 22:40
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May 8, 2010 22:42
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Hmm... seems you guys are very interested in the Greece pictures? Due to the economic situation there, our photographer lost his job right after we left. And the original pictures, unfortunately, lost the same as the job... And the copies? I sent them to Bob but somehow it lost on the way. So it would take loads of work to get them back... I'm afraid I would upset you all. Me apologies...

And about the position... before I take it, what you want me to take again? The brain works more slowly as time pass by - not so good being old...

The Romania vampires? Sounds a great idea. Recently I'm keen on vampire movies. Actually I watched Twilight and New Moon (vampire movies) again and again and again and wish I could get the third one asap... Maybe I could go to Romania and hunt one for myself? Hm.. anybody wanna go with me?^-^
May 8, 2010 22:58
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It's the finger punch error, ie. billion instead of million that caused stock shaking rather than debt quake in Greece. It's a trikery or a game.
May 8, 2010 22:59
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Ooops, I opened this page early this morning but then got something else to do. Till now I'm a bit free and just posted a message. But it seems that I missed a lot... Sorry...
May 8, 2010 23:01
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Oh, and there's a vote? Bob, I'll definately vote for someone else... But hey, does female's vote count? doubt it...
May 9, 2010 05:46
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Isn’t it an oxymoron to have a vote for the position of Dictator?
Bob, the new uniform looks unbelievable on you. Which tailor?

We do need to find suitable positions for Coolsprngs and Laugh on the cabinet immediately, any ideas?

Larry how’s the celebration party going?
If I might add, the new plane looks a lot more appropriate for a senior executive of the Island of Were, than the old one.

Yolanda, now that I’ve seen the photos of you and Dainty, and most tastefully done too, can I suggest you head the department of entertainment as Vice President?
As an aside, I did foolishly try and duplicate one of the positions, and it’s times like that, that one realizes that the old body is not what it used to be.
May 9, 2010 06:41
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ARGGGHH I am stranded, by the same coincidence that transformed my plane in to a Leer jet,, and then reversed back to the way itr was only to be blanched by a bright light and stripping it of all its paint and use of control of the plane. I am ok and I have crashed landed my plane on a remote island. I still have my lap top which is workable. Some strange presence in the air does not want me to attend the festivities. But i can still transfer money from my Accounts and move it into Dodgers account so the celebration can continue. Anything to make the dictatorship happen,, especially for the Greek photos. Before my plane went down I saw Egyptian writing circling around the cockpit. Aliens??? Anyway until I find out where I am at, I am stuck here. I will send for a helicopter and fly direct to the Pig and Whistle. Here is a photo of my wrecked plane next to what it seems like is a 1970s style helicopter gunship. I think I might know where i am at. But not for sure.....Wait I see a female with a ,, I think a sunbonnet in the distance.....I know where I am at!!!! I am in........................................( end transmission)

May 9, 2010 09:08
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Oh, poor LB, I'm so sorry to hear your trip didn't go well... well, actually it's not too bad. Maybe we'll get a chance to see the pics of you and the female at the party? I'm sure it would be a great fun. So maybe you could send them to us next time when you are online to transfer the money? Sounds a great idea to me^-^ Oh, BTW, we've already sent a helicopter to take you back. But I just got the message from my beloved driver. He told me that due to the heavy volcanic ash up the sky, they couldn't move further for the safety reason. So I'm afraid you might stay with that lady for a bit longer...

Hmm... Dodger, would you be kindly enough to send me the pics again? As I mentioned, I lost them all after I sent them to Bob... and since my memory went down, I kind of forgot those pics. It would be great if I could get another chance to see them again. So would you mind helping an aged lady to bring back some of her memory? I didn't realize it till you mentioned - to vote for a Dictator really sounds awful for the one who's going to be. So Bob, maybe you'd better think it over? I know you even got your suit ready but it really doesn't sound a good idea to be...


May 9, 2010 09:28
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Larry, I think I know exactable where you are. If you can hear someone singing “there is nothing like a Dame, nothing in the world” you’re close, but the wrong island. Start swimming now. Just keep an eye out for the big volcano. Ignore the fins, there only dolphins (promise)
I’m off to the Casino.

Yolanda, sorry, your pictures are now safely locked in a Swiss bank.
I did ring the Bank Manager; all I managed to get was a laugh; “are you kidding me Dodger, these are worth a fortune”, and then the line went dead.
Don’t worry about Bob. He’ll last at least six months in the job before the next uprising.
Your in health, Dodger.
May 9, 2010 15:37
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Originally Posted by DODGER

Bob, the new uniform looks unbelievable on you. Which tailor?


No tailor required. I simply found someone of my size, in a uniform I liked, then ate him.
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