Why do western women seldom marry Chinese men?
Jan 17, 2013 23:28

Originally Posted by ETHANINCHINA View Post

I know many foreign girls who have tried dating Chinese men but they often have the same problems.

Chinese men are as handsome as all types of men, some good looking some not, that's universal and the hairy thing is good and bad because some girls don't like so much hair.

The problems I hear the most ar...

All cultures, especially Americans, think stalking a girl and smothering her is a good thing. Even if she's married or has a boyfriend. Also, if you cheat on any man, even Chinese man, he will kung-fu your ass and the other guy's ass. It happens to foreign women who cheat on Chinese men with other good-looking men. In addition to that, every man prefers less confident women because they think confident women are more likely to cheat all the time. Men are typically insecure.
May 11, 2013 20:35
GUESTAMBERLYNN ^wow how can someone say chinese men are not handsome look at you !

signed white girl that thinks chinese men are best
May 24, 2013 17:36
GUEST15848 Nationality has NOTHING to do with true love....any ANY age! I did not read all of the responses (I read the first 3 pages of 8). In any case, I find Asian or Chinese men very attractive. The thing about the nose, chest hair, etc. is simply STUPID and IRRELEVANT. The BIGGEST factor that seems to be the problem is that Asian parents are NOT accepting of their Asian child (at ANY age) dating or marrying someone that is non-Asian. Very, very sad because when true love hits, it is not often presented as a gift wrapped up in pretty paper and a bow. Rather, the people that are in love have to fight old stereotypes, risk getting booted out of their family, are told that they are "shaming" the family by not sticking to "their own." Talk about out and out racism...and purely, that is what it is. As far as Western women not being womanly enough or whatever, that is all B.S. too. As I already said, humans are humans, everyone is different. Nationality is not the be all/end all deciding factor of relationships. Follow your strong enough to follow your heart. Sometimes, true love is worth fighting for.
May 27, 2013 03:29
GUEST49180 I am Cape Malay and i am marrying a Chinese man in 5 days time. He is originally from Foshan in China. he is the perfect gentleman. He has a great sense of humour. He treats me like a Queen and will do anything for me. He is loving, warm, funny, very open and honest. He is protective and always stands up for me. It is hard to find a man like this these days.

Don't generalize.
Jul 21, 2013 04:19
GUEST92183 After read all of infomation.I'm so upset! I'm chinese guy and I looking for a girlfriend who's western.If someone ask why I wanna data western girlfriend. I would say that conversiton with them nothing behind.that's great! I like them. LOL
Aug 9, 2013 13:18
GUESTANGELINE 1.Chinese men are not handsome. First of all, their faces are too flat. In contrast, western men usually have big noses and deep eye sockets.
(I think my BF face like 3D)
2.Chinese men are not sexy and manly. See, they usually don’t have chest hair.
(Damn!! i love my BF because his chest hair can fight with western guy)*SEXY*
3.Chinese men are not as humorous as western guys.
(Sometime but they will paid everything in honest, western guy paid for something back?)
4.Chinese men are not gentle enough. They seldom apply the principle of “Ladies first” in their lives
(Chinese culture women is behind, mostly asian is )
Jan 10, 2014 04:37
GUEST70100 Chinese men can be good looking of course...but most western girls are too independent for them as they at present are traditional.....they are often serious and controlling, but other asian men are different, filipinos are different...there is the *** thing, not an absolute though :)
Mar 31, 2014 07:18
GUEST61814 How about the fact that Chinese men don't shower for days at a time, wear the same clothes for at least a week or more, eat uncooked garlic and onions at all meals except breakfast, don't use soap or hot water to wash dishes?
Apr 21, 2014 22:48
GUEST94211 I guess it is the upbringing and cultural traits. The Chinese treat marriage as sacred, divorce is not an option. If a Chinese were to accept and married you, you can be sure that he will stick with you throughout. He will accept the responsibility to take care of you no matter what. So I guess it is this commitment traits that put off many Chinese guys (or Confucius countries) from marrying Western girls. So when they marry their own race, there is this understanding that they are in it together. East Asian guys would not be assured that long lasting relationship will be obtain when a foreign bride is concern. The media doesn't help much about the portray of western women either.
May 3, 2014 16:32
GUEST92438 Totally agree. I am Western European, married 40 years to my Chinese husband, 3 sons, 3 grandchildren and our marriage is like any marriage. Two separate individuals who have had to work hard to make the marriage work. Different idea's about bringing up the children, etc but I believe the most important thing is: have respect for each other, remember what made you fall in love in the first place and never ever go to bed without making up first, no matter how small the disagreement may have been.....and have a laugh together every day!
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