Why do western women seldom marry Chinese men?
May 3, 2014 16:44
GUEST92438 Couldn't agree more! Married 40 yrs to my Chinese hubby and we are still extremely happy. Have a lot of fun - the children have their own families now - so we have time for each other again! Wonderful!
May 3, 2014 16:58
GUEST92438 Good for you! Same here, married 40 yrs to my Chinese guy (I'm Irish) and we are extremely happy! Brought up 3 sons and now have 3 fabulous daughters-in-law and 3 beautiful grandchildren. We've had - and still have different opinions but that's the same in every marriage I assume!
Jul 19, 2014 05:40
GUEST46244 Hey there
This is ZHAO from China
If you dont mind ,can you add me on Facebook zhao guosong

Jul 21, 2014 15:34
GUEST10098 All are incorrect in my opinion.....I'm Irish,my husband is chinese, he is very muscular and sexy in my opinion.... chinese people (not just the men) have the most amazingly beautiful facial bones structure....aside from the fact I find him incredibly physically attractive, he would gladly, without a second thought, lay down his life for his family, he will do everything in his power to provide for me, our 4 kids, my parents and his parents...This is a characteristic found much more in Asian men than western...... honestly, I find your 4 points very narrow minded and frankly insulting to such handsome intelligent caring men as the Chinese "can" be....yes there are some turnip kicking ugly looking cave men from China, but there are from every race
Aug 24, 2014 10:09
GUEST51448 depends on the age. Women over 35 like shooting fish in a barrel.

They are looking for
1. Stability
2. Security
3. job good work ethic
4. companship

If you have all for you are golden.
Sep 2, 2014 12:44
I like your opinion, everyone is unique, don't judge before you meet the bad one, even it turns bad, doesn't mean you won't find the better one in next relationship, wish all of us good luck!
Sep 4, 2014 07:19

Originally Posted by FAERYGIRL View Post

In this forum, we often see that many foreigners marry Chinese girls. But we seldom know that western women marry Chinese men. A bit strange, right? Actually, western women have their reasons. Please read the following contents and see if they are reasonable.

1.Chinese men are not handsome. First of all, their faces are too fl...


I am a 30-year-old Chinese guy and I am here to answer your question

1. Although I am 30 now, I look much better than many American men of my age, I am not being arrogant, but many Chinese look younger than their actual ages, so how come you say Chinese are less handsome than Americans?

2. There are all kinds of people anytime anywhere. There are sixpackabs Chinese and there are fat ass westerners.

3. Chinese are humorous sometimes, but you can only understand it if you could understand Chinese very well.

4. As I said, there are all kinds of people anywhere
Sep 13, 2014 06:56
GUEST40129 Chest hairs? Yuck! Who said chest hairs are attractive? Lol!

Chinese men are smart, handsome and funny! Gotta love Chinese men!
Jun 26, 2015 00:56
GUEST76827 Mostly of Chinese gusy who live in u.s are richer then others
Jun 29, 2015 02:10
GUEST88175 I met my Canadian wife on a blind date on New Year's eve 40 years ago. She moved in with us (me and my 2 sons) 3 days later. She was only 23 and I was 38. And we married 3 months later. We are still happily together.
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