Help....American man just engaged to Chinese woman here in USA on work visa
Feb 3, 2017 02:35
Feb 3, 2017 06:31
GUEST72165 Divorced now!
Feb 22, 2017 00:14
GUEST33131 what was the end of this story, did you get to marry her? It all sounds to me she is just using you, but won't mind if you left her as it seems she can easily find someone else in same she found you. Just imagine, she being with many different men in a daily basis. Sorry to say this, and hope I am wrong, but the answer is in her sister. She got the green card and now she is bringing her husband and kids. how she got the green card?
Apr 9, 2017 12:23
GUEST23227 Confident he's divorced by now. Massage parlor ladies --the ones who do hand jobs - almost all of them -target men like him for the sole purpose of the obtaining a green card. That's all they want. They're not looking for a relationship with an American man. They want to live in tbe US and they want to bring their families over here and save money for themselves. She's using him. This a common scam. Never fall in love with a massage girl. It's never true when she says 'handjob only for you!' Also, this is called immigration fraud.
May 21, 2017 21:52
GUEST98191 U supposed to pay all the bills as you are man. She worked in US alone and sent money home to her husband and family?

She did not love as much as she say or she would igonored the customer . She is in the states for money
Only ! She spent so much money to enter the states.

Why she cried when she argued with husband? Wasn't it love? I wouldn't cry if I argu with someone I don't love.

U are just the one who come up when she feels lonely and try get married for visa . Don't trust her, she doesn't love you. I'm Chinese . I know what they r like

U buy house and she pay nothing? House is big financial commitment. What happen to the house if u guys divorce and take it to the court . She has money for the court and you broke, u Already spent all your on her. She get half of the house .

Wake up! Every girl has vaginal.
May 21, 2017 21:53
GUEST98191 She works as massage and sent her money to her husband , I believed
May 21, 2017 21:54
GUEST98191 Don't say never fall In love with massage girl. Some girl they just want quick money and left the country.

Don't fall in love with "mainland Chinese "
May 21, 2017 22:01
GUEST98191 Don't divorce her. Just leave her! So she can't marriy to next American guy for green card dream!

Her families knew she wanted your green card only .
Jun 3, 2017 13:19
GUEST20984 As controlling and insecure as you make yourself out to be, she needs to run from you. Not walk. Run!
Who are you to tell her what she can and can't do at work. Let alone elsewhere. You're insecure and worry about her doing her job...massage. You're pathetic.
Jun 12, 2017 01:31
GUEST84130 Been there done it. Yes they(Chinese) women think you spend all your money and they keep their. Money. Children come first, parents second, brothers and sister next, Chinese friends next, which include old boyfriend then you lau wife! Foreign fool. Sex disappears after marriage. I own a Asian massage parlour and they treat the us timer like they are their boyfriends to get bigger tips and yes they tease them also. If your lucky that's all. Call it quits, save your money and look for someone else. Take it from someone who knows.
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