Help..American man Chinese woman can't tell feelings..also need Chinese women friends..
Jan 13, 2011 01:53
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Men chase women..untill they catch him. If even half of what Mister Millete says is true then he has swallowed the bait, plus the hook, the line and the sinker. He would swallow the rod as well if he could.

The contest is over. It was never a fair fight. The feminine charms and innate cunning of the Road Runner pitted against the unswerving brawn of the hapless Coyote. Someone should call the RSPCA and put him out of his misery.
Jan 14, 2011 06:03
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That Coyote was persistant,, in running into dead ends and still didnt learn. The falling over the cliff always brought me a chuckle,, only to get up again and eat the dust of the roadrunner. The continued consumption of VERY EXPENSIVE fast foods that only the financially elite can afford will be a downfall once the body is relaxed in the right atmosphere,, giving way to a cholesteral lump traveling traveling to the heart. The SPCA would be the quicker course of action.
Jan 14, 2011 06:28
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The definition of an idiot; someone who repeatedly does the same thing, but expects a different result.
Jan 14, 2011 13:13
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Originally Posted by DODGER

The definition of an idiot; someone who repeatedly does the same thing, but expects a different result.

By defintion, all men are idiots. But some are even more idiotic than others.
Jan 14, 2011 13:19
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The eternal struggle contines even though the outcome is assured.
Jan 14, 2011 20:26
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Those ivory globes, still unconquered.
But is Mr. Millette just a ‘peasant plucker, or a peasant pluckers son?’
Jan 15, 2011 03:30
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Many of men who navigated away from those ivory globes really met their demise when they first saw that darkened Triangle of Bermuda. The mightiest of men have been brought to their knees usually after the first visit and going back for more.
Jan 15, 2011 06:46
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Can somebody with a really good education please explain were this thread is going.
Larry’s completely lost me.
Jan 15, 2011 09:37
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Dodger Without being edited check your Inbox for details. sorry for the confusion. Larry
Jan 15, 2011 19:41
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Originally Posted by DODGER

Can somebody with a really good education please explain were this thread is going.
Larry’s completely lost me.

Sorry Dodger, can't help. I was expelled in 9th grade. Larryboy's comments struck me as being a bit like Muhammad Ali's left leg. Not fair and not right.

But aside from Bermuda Triangles, maps of Tasy, and other soft fury pets, is this quote from Mr. Millete a case of the commom Chinese problem of misusing gender pronouns? Is he less than what he appears? "no touching her unless she wants to marry her....."
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