Help..American man Chinese woman can't tell feelings..also need Chinese women friends..
Jan 15, 2011 20:48
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Are so, as Charlie Chan used to say, the redoubtable Mr. Holmes has found a vital clue?
"no touching her unless she wants to marry her....."
It may prove to be that our Mr. Millette is in fact a Mr. Wang, distant cousin to Nurse Wang.
I must ask her the next time that she examines my vital organs, which I hope is soon.

Larry, is the phrase ‘show car’ an American expression?

An off topic news flash; my stitches finally come out today; there was some confusion over what the first day of the week is. In China it’s Monday.

Jan 15, 2011 21:21
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Not sure if its American British or Australian,,use it in a sentence!
Jan 15, 2011 23:24
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Laryboy: The sentence Dodger was quoting is this; "..I have a very nice home all state of the art belongings nice show car and cool motorcycle......". It's definately not Australian by the way. Perish the thought.

Dodger: Next time Nurse Wank reaches in to examine your vital organ, and after she stops laughing, ask her if "show car" is in fact a Chinese colloquialism. I think we could be closing in on the true identity of "Mister Millette". Could it be that the girl in the avatar picture is actually "Mister Millette" ? The plot thickens.
Jan 16, 2011 02:57
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Larry, for your reference there is no such thing as British English.
But this sentence, "..I have a very nice home all state of the art belongings nice show car and cool motorcycle......".which although deftly avoiding any punctuation, still looks like that of a Septic, or at the least, one who has learnt his of her English from one.
The word ‘motorcycle’ is a Septic term for motorbike, used in the UK and Oz.

Many years ago I found myself in Singapore, when it still looked like it, and the locals kept using a phrase that sounded like ca pa ,ca pa when asked were the local market was. It turned out that what they were actually saying was car park. With that in mind Bob, I’ll ask around to see if the phrase ‘show car’ has been corrupted from its initial form.

As nurse Wang was removing my stitches today I had a sudden flash; not the type that Bob is used too, but one of those that come from the gut.
What if Mister Millette is just some spotty faced little septic pratt, who, tied of playing with himself, has stumbled upon this web site entirely by chance? The syntax sounds about mature enough.

Again, I wonder off topic to bring the news that three of the HM’s are going in tomorrow to have the self same procedure as I have recently undergone.
The theme song for Monday will be ‘three blind mice, see how….’
Jan 16, 2011 06:48
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Thank you Bobert for the example and no its not American. Just the phrase itself,, "..I have a very nice home all state of the art belongings nice show car and cool motorcycle. is not hardly ever used here. The word use "cool" when referring to a motorcycle is almost 10 years ago. " State of the art belongings?? No such use!! That phrase should be thrown out the window with the fast food!! I agree with Dodger that the mystery person is using someone who speaks english and most likely also is a child on their daddys computer trying to stir the pot. I cant imagine spending all kinds of money on a person and eating at Wendys fast food.
Jan 16, 2011 19:41
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"What if Mister Millette is just some spotty faced little septic pratt, who, tied of playing with himself, has stumbled upon this web site entirely by chance? "

Judging only by his pictures and his postings, he fits all of the above description except "little" and "spotty faced". I checked the phone number he offered (239 258 9400) and it is indeed a Florida listing. Fort Myers to be exact. Considering he invited callers to verify his bona fides I have to conclude he is legit. As P.T. Barnum said "there's one born every minute".

Dodger; I am most relieved to learn that Nurse Wank is undergoing a similar operation to your good self. That removes any lingering doubts that you had succumbed to the ever growing cacophany of female pleadings and had finally opted for a penile augmentation procedure.
Jan 18, 2011 21:11
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As P.T. Barnum said "there's a sucker born every minute". No such person lives in Ft Meyers Fla. and since has never resurfaced on the forum, so my conclusion is that it is a telephone scam to extract personal information. Assume nothing! Dont call it or your number will be recorded. Those who are really hardup and need something to occupy their time to find out about this imaginary person should call. This was fun while it lasted.
Jan 20, 2011 01:47
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Haven't you noticed that WMILLETTE never shows up again?

I really want to know what kind of girl she is. WMILLETTE is apparently into her. He will listen to nobody's advice. Once he was hurt, he would throughly wake up.
Jan 20, 2011 13:19
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Maybe he has no money left for electricity to run his computer.
Jan 20, 2011 23:09
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Maybe he took our advice and went out and spent his last few dollars on a bottle of hooch, drank it and then went for a walk across the highway, was hit by a Mack, and is lying in a ditch somewhere.
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