Why do they eat with their hands? | |
Apr 8, 2012 22:18 | |
GUEST87169 | To some people eating with your hands is a religion way and they get good deeds for doing that. |
Feb 6, 2013 01:54 | |
GUEST98364 | its not that they dont know how to use the chop stick and fork. its all about the culture and tradition. dont under estimate indians at any cause of time |
Mar 30, 2013 21:21 | |
| Many people explained based on theories and interpretations. The Chinese, I am told, have been using chopsticks for more than 5000 years ago. When were fork, spoon and knife were introduced? The Indians and other people eating with their hands sometimes due to religious reasons though not an obligation. The Indonesians and Malaysians that I observed, washed their hands thoroughly before and after eating. It's part of their culture. Even KFC used to promote: finger licking good. How do they make wine wine from the grapes? I once had the opportunity to visit a vineyard in France, and we were told grapes should be picked by hands and not machine(s). The grapes are crushed with human feet before processing. Wan |
Apr 1, 2013 04:07 | |
| The grapes are crushed with human feet before processing. Exactly, Wan. I saw this in the movie "A Walk in the Cloud". It's an old movie but I love it very much. Some clean freaks might never drink grape wine if they know this. |
Apr 2, 2013 11:11 | |
| So, it's a matter of tradition and culture. I can use chopsticks, fork & spoon, and also hand. Depends where i have my meals. With bare hands, I will make sure I wash it thoroughly before and after. Wan |
Apr 9, 2013 02:20 | |
| Yes, Wanhu. We say "Ru Xiang Sui Su (入乡随俗)" in Chinese and it means "When you are in Rome, Do as Romans do". |
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