What would you have done if you saw a kid crushed twice by a car?
Oct 19, 2011 01:57
  • BBQQ
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A young girl was crushed twice by two cars in Foshan. Her name is Xiao Yueyue. 18 passers-by just walked away and none of them called the police or helped the girl. Some of them denied that they didn’t see the girl. If the saw her, they would have helped her.

The 19th passer-by lifted her up, put her on the side of the road and found her mom. She is just a rubbish collector. Later, some people gave her a lot of money for praising her good deed. The old lady didn’t take the money. Instead, she gave all the money to the girl’s mom because she knew that the mom needed money to cure her girl.

If you read the news, you will find that almost all netizens criticize the 18 passers-by for their coldness. They might have their reasons for not helping the girl. If you were at the scene, what would you have done?

Oct 19, 2011 07:21
GUEST56126 I voted #2 (to call for help).

As I understand it, China Doesn't protect good sameritans (people who want to help, but then get sued by the family of the needy), and therefore most people don't intervene.

Also, from what I've seen, people walking down the streets in China are kind of too busy to get involved.

But then I have a deeper question: don't the Chinese value others people's life?

In the USA more people get involved. I once saw a kitty get hit by a car, and two people stopped to help it.
Oct 20, 2011 03:00
  • BBQQ
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But then I have a deeper question: don't the Chinese value others people's life?

You've already gotten the answer. Some do, some don't. Apparently, the 18 passers-by don't.
Oct 20, 2011 23:52
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Originally Posted by BBQQ

You've already gotten the answer. Some do, some don't. Apparently, the 18 passers-by don't.

Not quite true. If you view the footage you will see that there were far more than just 18 people who could have helped. Those 18 were just the obvious tip of the iceberg.

"Some do, some don't". Incorrect. In fact only ONE did. MOST didn't! The little girl died today in hospital.
Last edited by BOBERT: Oct 20, 2011 23:54
Oct 21, 2011 01:10
  • BBQQ
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Sorry, I didn't view the footage. It was too cruel.

Those 18 were just the obvious tip of the iceberg. That's why I want to know what you will do when you are confronted with this.

See, still 2 people chose to walk away. One was confused and didn't know what to do.
Oct 21, 2011 04:26
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Originally Posted by BBQQ

. One was confused and didn't know what to do.

Confused? His defence is that he was "confused"? A child lay dying on a road and someone doesn't help because he claims to be "confused"? Yeah...sure.
Oct 21, 2011 06:19
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Confused about what?? The more I think about this more nauseated I get. I can understand initial shock, but that should wear off,, but to watch and walk away? Thats not confused, thats corrupt!! Someone commented that the west was to blame for this tragedy......Really? So this uneducated comment was formed by a person who still beleives that China has not progressed enough to stand on its on 2 feet but has to blame another country for their cultural woes. Cant blame the west and the US for not caring especially when people will stop and rescue a turtle from the middle of the road. The blame game does not work this time because it is weak,, and it is more an insult to China than the west. Oh BTW the west is to blame for the economy, murder,theft, fires. vandalism, rape, the water tide going in and out at the wrong times,, natural disasters, flat tires on cars, bumpy roads, pregancies, the color blue, etc etc. And now this tragedy of a little girl getting killed. Yep the west is to blame for this also. Im tired of seeing so many threads where the west is to blame for Chinas short comings. People dont realize it when they insult the west, they lack faith in their own country and its leaders. Oh yea we have our problems, the lack of humanity, is not one of our shortfalls. Nice try no excuse for turning a blind eye.
Oct 21, 2011 08:00
GUEST12222 As long as they can blame their inaction on someone or something else, they can clear their conscience of all responsibility, and feel quite peaceful! They can continue to walk past the poor, the ill, the injured, be it human or animal. Everyone else is to blame, therefore I don't have to do anything, 'everyone else can' AND, I can feel quite comfortable about that. It is the West, it is the government.....blah blah is because they are without empathy, without conscience, they are selfish, self centred.....I bet if there was money in the offing they would be running to 'help'......... Larryboy you are right....this is nauseating.
Oct 21, 2011 14:09
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The more I read these sordid explanations in futile attempts to justify the unjustifiable the more I realise the inescapable truth. Many in China have lost their humanity and replaced it with! That's the real tragedy.
Oct 21, 2011 20:40
GUESTYELLOW ... Anything can happen in china,good and bad.
Sadly the spirit of community is long gone,money is most important.
Life is cheap,people only sweep off snow in front of their houses.
Oct 21, 2011 21:40
  • BBQQ
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Many in China have lost their humanity and replaced it with! That's the real tragedy.

That's the key. Many people are money oriented. No one cares about other's lives as long as he/she is not in trouble.
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