Beverage = water + food additives?
Oct 17, 2012 04:26

The real estate industry is a total mess in China. My friend bought an apartment this March. According to the protocol, the outside walls will be covered with ceramic titles. However, the developer changed its mind, using paint instead of ceramic titles.

My friend asked the salesmen, he just said the government had new regulations. All outside walls of the buildings should be covered with paint instead of the ceramic titles. My friend found the rule and it was published last August. But he signed the protocol this March. Why didn't the developer tell him before? I don't believe they didn't learn about the new regulation in advance.

The only thing he was satisfied is that Chinese people are very careful. The developers and designers usually double the coefficient of safety when they design and build the buildings.
Oct 18, 2012 03:48
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How about the monthly maintenance that tenants have to pay?
Oct 21, 2012 01:42

Originally Posted by WANHU

How about the monthly maintenance that tenants have to pay?

Wan, everyone has to pay a certain amount of money when they buy the apartments. The money is used to maintain the public facilities. When they move into their apartments, they have to pay maintenance fee to the property management agency. The agency is responsible for maintaining the the public facities and ensuring that they work smoothly.

If you rent an apartment, you usually pay the monthly maintenance fee.
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