Dare you sell all your family estate to travel round the world?
Sep 10, 2012 23:08
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It may look as individual achievement but it gives name to the country too.
Sep 19, 2012 20:45

Originally Posted by WANHU

It may look as individual achievement but it gives name to the country too.

A country can earn good fame if its citizens earn good medals at the Olympic Games. It's true. Olympic Games is already commercialized today. Commercialization is a two-edge sword. On the one hand, it makes the game more exciting because athletes will amply awarded if they become the winner. On the other hand, commercialization makes some athletes forget the Olympic spirits. The only thing they care about is whether they can win the gold medals. To achieve this goal, some of them decide to use drugs. It's a shame.

Sep 20, 2012 23:41
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People always take advantage, one way or the other, not only in games. Just like in business, some people would do anything to get a maximum profit.
Sep 23, 2012 01:25

Originally Posted by WANHU

People always take advantage, one way or the other, not only in games. Just like in business, some people would do anything to get a maximum profit.

That's humans' nature.
Sep 24, 2012 09:04
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But in the wrong way. It's human nature too, to be kind and good so that others will reciprocate the same. Slowly we see these fine elements are diminishing.
Sep 24, 2012 21:03

Originally Posted by WANHU

But in the wrong way. It's human nature too, to be kind and good so that others will reciprocate the same. Slowly we see these fine elements are diminishing.

It's sad but what makes the fine elements diminish?
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