How many flies should be in the public toilets?
Jun 26, 2012 21:59
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In Kuala Lumpur, we have no star public toilet, but need to pay. The toilet is provided, serviced and monitored by the City Hall.
Jun 27, 2012 01:24

Originally Posted by WANHU

In Kuala Lumpur, we have no star public toilet, but need to pay. The toilet is provided, serviced and monitored by the City Hall.

Haha, it has beome a tourist attraction. Man people come there to visit the five-star hotels. It's useless to build luxurious toilets. Instead, why not build more and more toilets?
Jul 3, 2012 13:26
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In my case, I've been thinking, people pay tax, and the government should provide better facilities, why need to pay for public utility?
Jul 4, 2012 22:07

Originally Posted by WANHU

In my case, I've been thinking, people pay tax, and the government should provide better facilities, why need to pay for public utility?

In past years, the toilets weren't used for free. I remember that I paid CNY 0.1 or 0.2 to use the toilet. Some people contracted the toilets and made money. Also they had to pay contract fee to the government.

In recent years, not only the toilets but also the parks and museums are opened for free.
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