The plump is beautiful and fashion in Chinese Tang Dynasty (618 -907AD)
Jun 4, 2012 02:08
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Are you on a diet to lose weight? In fact, during the Tang Dynasty (618 -907AD) of China, people thought the plump is beautiful and fashion rather than the slim, but should not out of shape. Just look at the girls in the following Tang murals. What kind of plump figures they have? The present aesthetic standard has changed a lot, but the plump should always have their unique charm. Don’t bother to be slim!
More photos of Tang Dynasty Murals:

Jun 4, 2012 02:10
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A Tang Dynasty mural of beautiful lady

Jun 6, 2012 01:50
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I have heard of the tale about a Chinese princess with deformed small feet. The palace court ordered all the subjects should bandaged the feet so that they won't grow and became small like the princess'. In those days, it is said, girls with smaller feet were beautiful!

Perhaps during Tang, some of the courtesans were plump, in order not to upset them, they started the grapevine saying plump is beautiful. Anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Jun 6, 2012 02:02

Originally Posted by WANHU View Post

I have heard of the tale about a Chinese princess with deformed small feet. The palace court ordered all the subjects should bandaged the feet so that they won't grow and became small like the princess'. In those days, it is said, girls with smaller feet were beautiful!

Perhaps during Tang, some of the courtesans were plump...

Interesting hypothesis:)
I want to be in the Tang Dynasty. Losing weight is painful:(
Jun 7, 2012 08:47
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GuestLily, have you seen the old ladies with wrapped small feet? It's difficult for them to walk.
Jun 10, 2012 01:41

Originally Posted by WANHU

GuestLily, have you seen the old ladies with wrapped small feet? It's difficult for them to walk.

My mother's grandma has bound feet. She can walk steadily but slowly. Binding feet is no good for a woman. Unfortunately, all women in feudal society bound their feet.

When did the bound feet originate?

During the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Suiyang chose a hundred pretty girls to track his boat when he was traveling in Jiangdu. A girl called Miss Wu was chosen. She hated Emperor Suiyang very much. Thus, she asked her father to make a small knife and sought a chance to kill Emperor.

The knife was about 10 cm. She had to hide it somewhere. Finally, she bound the knife under her feet and made lotus patterns in the sole of her shoes. When she walked, the lotus patterns appeared from time to time. The Emperor Suiyang was very happy and summoned her by his side in order to appreciate her small feet. So she unbound her feet ad stabbed Emperor Suiyang with her knife.

However, Emperor Suiyang dodged and his arm was hurt. The girl failed to assassin him and then jumped into the river. Since then, Emperor Suiyang ruled that all girls with bound feet should not sent to her.

In order to commemorate Miss. Wu, young girls started to bind their feet.
Jun 10, 2012 14:13
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There are many hearsay and tales about the origin of footbinding or wrapped feet, and it goes back as far as Shang Dynasty where the empress is said to have congenital disorder, her feet were deformed. No one dared to defy the order of the emperor. Anyway it was banned in 1912 but still those die-hard followers of the emperors among the courtesans, still followed the rules.

Lonely, do you think the girls dared to bind their feet in support of Miss Wu who failed in her attempt to assassinate the emperor? I'm sure they would be condemned to death because it showed their contempt against the emperor.

Jun 10, 2012 21:44
Lonely, do you think the girls dared to bind their feet in support of Miss Wu who failed in her attempt to assassinate the emperor? I'm sure they would be condemned to death because it showed their contempt against the emperor.

Wan, you will find that Emperor Suiyang was a tyrant if you you check some Chinese history materials. Many his people hated him but few could do heroic deeds like Miss Wu. That's why she was regarded as a heroine and remembered by the people.

Anyway, it's just a tale. There is another saying: foot-binding might originate in the Song Dynasty because it was mentioned in some poems of the Song Dynasty.
Jun 11, 2012 10:53
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A tyrant... the more they scared to show any contempt.

In early 1950s according to an oral tradition narrated by my grandma to my mom, there were many ladies with cloth-wrapped feet, from Guangzhou. It's not easy for them to walk, and quite painful too. The local society called them as the Chinese with tiny feet and became a centre stage when they walked outside of their abode in the evening. Those Chinese ladies told my grandma that this culture ran in their family. When Qing Dynasty fell in 1912, the new Republic of China government banned this culture of feet binding but many of them defied the order.

Jun 11, 2012 10:57
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Originally Posted by GUESTLILY

Interesting hypothesis:)
I want to be in the Tang Dynasty. Losing weight is painful:(

You may create a Tang Dynasty in your mind. If you able to do that, then why not try to manage a change? It's not that painful as long as we have the real focus and patience.
Jun 11, 2012 21:22

The Emperor Suiyang just did a good thing, building Hangzhou-Beijing Grand Canal. Although the grand canal was built for him to have fun in Southern China, it facilitated the economic development in both northern and southern China.
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