Thousands of people queuing for buying apartments!!!
Jun 26, 2012 22:34

Originally Posted by WANHU

Very practical solution, Raindrop. I did the same too.

Wan, the situation in Malaysia is different. I guess that your wife and your mother-in-law didn't ask you to buy an apartment before you got married. Right?
Jul 3, 2012 13:17
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I didn't buy an apartment, but just a low cost house, ten years later.
Jul 4, 2012 22:16

Originally Posted by WANHU

I didn't buy an apartment, but just a low cost house, ten years later.

You will buy one ten years later?
Jul 5, 2012 19:05
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Haha, dear Lonely my sentence means I didn't buy an apartment but I did buy a low cost house ten years after my marriage. I apologise for my inability to write a better sentence.
Jul 24, 2012 02:31

Originally Posted by WANHU

Haha, dear Lonely my sentence means I didn't buy an apartment but I did buy a low cost house ten years after my marriage. I apologise for my inability to write a better sentence.

Ok, you must have been living in your house for many years, right?
Jul 24, 2012 20:56
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Now I'm staying in a government house in Putrajaya since 2002. Putrajaya is a new Federal Government Administration Centre.
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