What do you think of breast feeding in public?
Jun 23, 2012 22:44
During the Dragon Boat Festival, I went back home to see my parents. At the railway station, I saw that a mom breastfed her little baby. She looked embarrassing but couldn’t stop breastfeeding her little baby because he kept crying. At that moment, a question came up on my mind “why couldn’t the railway station set up a baby care facility?”

Breastfeeding in public is embarrassing. However, moms can not refuse their babies when they are hungry. I am not a mom and I can’t imagine what they are thinking when they breastfeed their babies in public.

What do you think of breast feeding in public? Should moms be stopped breastfeeding in public?
Jun 24, 2012 09:05
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i) wear suitable clothes so that when she breastfeeds, people can't see much
ii) the railway authority can provide a place form moms to breastfeed both at the terminal and on train, or
iii) special seats for moms. In Malaysia we have coach for ladies on trains.

We can't stop people from breastfeeding Lonely. It's the only natural food for babies. We say breast milk is good for babies and promote breastfeeding but infrastructure is not provided.

Jun 26, 2012 04:03

The fast trains have babycare areas. There you can feed your babies. Coaches for ladies are good. Men and women passengers are divided and then sexual harassment happens rarely.
Jun 26, 2012 08:26
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That's good news, Lonely.
Jun 26, 2012 21:21
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Breastfeeding in public is embarrassing, but it should not be deal with as smoking in public places. So, the only solution is to provide babycare areas in all necessary places.
Jun 26, 2012 22:35
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Yes, especially public places like bus terminal, airport etc. Other than international, local domestic airports seldom have this facility too.
Jun 26, 2012 22:54

Originally Posted by WANHU

Yes, especially public places like bus terminal, airport etc. Other than international, local domestic airports seldom have this facility too.

Wan, there are resting places for the sick, the elderly, the disabled and the pregnant women at the railway stations. However, it is still inconvenient to breastfeed babies there.
Jul 3, 2012 13:21
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Should have a special room, not just a place, for convenience.
Jul 4, 2012 22:13

Originally Posted by WANHU

Should have a special room, not just a place, for convenience.

Good idea. But who pays for the cost of building such a room? The railway station? They might tell that China Railways have been in debt for long. That's why a reform in China railways has been discussed.
Jul 5, 2012 19:07
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What kind of reform you expect?
Jul 5, 2012 22:45
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My wife has the same problem, she usually turns around and i stand and block the view for others. It is ok, but not the best solution. Then again, there rarely is a good solution.
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