What do you think of breast feeding in public?
Jul 8, 2012 01:18

Originally Posted by WANHU

What kind of reform you expect?

Wan, I expect that the monopoly can be broken some day. Let me make myselft clear by taking this example. If there is only one restaurant, you have no choice but eat what they cook no matter its food is good or bad. If there are more restaurants, you have more choices. If ths restaurant offers bad food, you can go to another. On the other hand, the restaurants will compete with each other. As result, their food and service will be improved.
Jul 10, 2012 12:09
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If the restaurant serves bad food, I'd rather cook myself. Haha
Jul 10, 2012 12:11
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Lonely, what will you do if there are more restaurants but with the same poor service and bad food?
Jul 11, 2012 22:56

Originally Posted by WANHU

Lonely, what will you do if there are more restaurants but with the same poor service and bad food?


Originally Posted by WANHU

If the restaurant serves bad food, I'd rather cook myself. Haha

It is an analogy. I have no money to build a railway on my own. If possible, I'd like to shut down those restaurants who offer bad service and food.
Jul 12, 2012 23:36
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You need consumer power. Do not patronise dirty or bad outlets. Shutting down won't solve the problem, they may start a new business elsewhere with the same attitude.
Jul 15, 2012 21:10

Originally Posted by WANHU

You need consumer power. Do not patronise dirty or bad outlets. Shutting down won't solve the problem, they may start a new business elsewhere with the same attitude.

Chinese consumers have contributed a lot to China railways. Just see the passengers at the railway stations during the festivals and you will know that I am correct.

And the ticket prices for the high speed trains are too high compared with people's monthly income.
Jul 17, 2012 02:39
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Lonely, is it possible if the consumers one day stop buying train tickets to protest against its tickets hike and see the outcome. In my country we have the oppositions and the government is trying its best to rule the country to meet the demands of the voters or it may not be able to retain Putrajaya coming the next general election (13th general election is just around the corner).
Jul 17, 2012 21:02

I doubt if all consumers can unite to protest against the high train tickets. Take food safety for example, Shuanghui, one of the largest meat processing companies in China, was reported that their meat contained clenobuterol hydrochloride last year. It still offers meat products today. If all consumers unite and oppose to buy Shuanghui's products, Shuanghui will go bankrupt. However, Chinese consumers are very generous. Even Shuanghui's products was found to contain clenobuterol hydrochloride, Chinese consumers still buy their products.

The companies are not afraid of consumers because they know that the consumers won't unite and oppose to buy their products even they have serious quality problem.
Jul 17, 2012 21:06

To some extent, they deserve to eat low quality or unqualified products. It is them who indulge those companies too much.
Jul 18, 2012 17:11
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Probably China needs education on consumerism. Not to unite how to protest but rather to understand about the products we consume. Some of them may know the danger but do not realise its seriousness.
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