Who is the one to blame?
Jul 1, 2012 01:31

Originally Posted by WANHU

Probably also not proper.

Which word is the most appropriate one in your eyes, Wan?
Jul 3, 2012 13:43
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I have my set of opinions and others may differ. When I went to Sarawak in 2005, I saw a leader of the community was only wearing a loincloth waiting for me.
Jul 3, 2012 23:08

Originally Posted by WANHU

I have my set of opinions and others may differ. When I went to Sarawak in 2005, I saw a leader of the community was only wearing a loincloth waiting for me.

Is it their custom to wear a loincloth? I see a TV program that some people living in tropical areas wear nothing.
Jul 4, 2012 16:13
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Although most of them no longer wear loincloth in their everyday life, in certain special occasion, the Ibans and the Penans of Sarawak, for example, still wear loincloth, with headgear and a spear.
Jul 4, 2012 20:45

Originally Posted by WANHU

Although most of them no longer wear loincloth in their everyday life, in certain special occasion, the Ibans and the Penans of Sarawak, for example, still wear loincloth, with headgear and a spear.

Wan, its their culture. In BBC's documentary "The Chinese are Coming", people living the Amazon rainforest are naked. When they hunt for food, they tie coloful feathers on their ***. The environment might decide that they wear nothing in the rainforest.
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