Why do people prefer to protest in the nude?
Oct 6, 2012 03:14
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Anyway, I respect them. Everyone has his/her right to air his/her opinion. She just airs her opinion in an extreme way. Showing naked body in public is an extreme way in my eyes.
Last edited by SUNNYDREAM: Oct 6, 2012 03:15
Oct 9, 2012 13:13
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You're good person Sunnydream for respecting them. For me, I may accept but never respect such an attitude. Freedom of expression has its limitations.
Oct 10, 2012 22:06
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Originally Posted by WANHU

You're good person Sunnydream for respecting them. For me, I may accept but never respect such an attitude. Freedom of expression has its limitations.

Yes. If she did it in the street, the traffic would be definitely paralysed. Then she would be taken away by the police.
Oct 12, 2013 08:04
GUESTDRINKINTOV Thus they indifference stress a number of definite great promise
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