Did you receive military training in college?
Oct 5, 2012 10:56
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It is called orientation week.
Oct 6, 2012 03:46

We usually have a 'showtime' when the military training is over. During the showtime, we perform what we have learnt at the stadium. The president and other leaders of the school will inspect us during the showtime.

Then we usually have one month to prepare for a evening party. We do not drink alcohol. Instead, the performers (mainly freshers) perform on the stage to welcome our arrival.

We also have various kinds of communities and unions too.
Oct 9, 2012 13:33
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The army training is part of the co-curriculum and you won't graduate if you fail the training. Those who want to get an excuse from attending the training need to provide a letter from the hospital.
Oct 9, 2012 22:56

Originally Posted by WANHU

The army training is part of the co-curriculum and you won't graduate if you fail the training. Those who want to get an excuse from attending the training need to provide a letter from the hospital.


You may not know that 200 students in a college asked for sick leave during the military training because they couldn't stand the heat and stay up to the end. The proof from the hospital is also needed here if you ask for a sick leave. But some parents got the proofs through their "connections" in the hospital. The parents spoil their kids too much and won't see them suffer from anything.

In Peking Unversity, 3500 freshers went to see the doctors more than 6000 times during the military training. In other words, each student went to see the doctor 1.7 times. In the first week, some of them felt dizzy and fell on the ground.

I am afraid that some students are "made of paper". They can do anything but stay in the airconditioned rooms.

Chinese colleges should have the same stipulation: those who fail in the military trainning will not get their graduate diplomas.
Oct 10, 2012 03:14
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The training is for their own good to be resilient so they can brave the world that full of competitions, physically.
Oct 14, 2012 04:22

Originally Posted by WANHU

The training is for their own good to be resilient so they can brave the world that full of competitions, physically.

But they are pearls in their parents' hands. Their parents won't let them experience such cruel training. Thus, they help their kids "escape".

I should say that their parents just ruin their lives in this way. A seeding can never grow into a strong and tall tree if it can not go through any extreme situations.
Oct 14, 2012 15:30
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It's not a total army training after all. We didn't go under barbed-wires or with live bullets. The only hard thing was running with back pack for 5km and back (altogether 10km).
Oct 16, 2012 04:11

Originally Posted by WANHU

It's not a total army training after all. We didn't go under barbed-wires or with live bullets. The only hard thing was running with back pack for 5km and back (altogether 10km).

You are right, it's not a total army training. I am wondering what happens if they face barbed-wires and real bullets.
Oct 21, 2012 09:38
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That's for army recruits and not for students.
Oct 22, 2012 02:05

Originally Posted by WANHU

That's for army recruits and not for students.

Every Chinese citizen has the obligation to perform military service. Military training in school is a kind of military service performance. Besides, China also recruits volunteers. Thanks to this, not all Chinese people have to perform military service in the army because there are enough volunteers.

In some countries, like South Korea, everyone has to perform military service no matter who you are. For instance, Hyun Bin, a pop entertainment star, also performs military service.

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