Four Chinese girls shave their heads to protest against unfair university enrolling system
Sep 2, 2012 21:56
Boys and girls choose the same university and same majors but girls are required with higher scores. Why? “Considering of ‘national interest’, we have to limit the number of female students who take some special majors.”, the Ministry of Education of China explains. How to limit the number of female students? The easiest way is to raise the enrollment marks for girls.

Four Chinese girls are dissatisfied with the explanation from the Ministry of Education of China. They hope the ministry can specify what special majors have limited quotas. By the way, the explanation from the ministry is too obscure, in their opinion. Thus, the four girls decide to shave their heads to protest against unfair university enrolling system.

Sep 2, 2012 21:58
Look at the pictures carefully! Each of them has a letter in their hands. They read it out loudly when their heads are shaved.

Sep 4, 2012 02:20
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The Ministry of Higher Education should base on meritocracy and not by gender.
Sep 10, 2012 04:10

Originally Posted by WANHU

The Ministry of Higher Education should base on meritocracy and not by gender.

Who knows? I appreciate their efforts but it is difficult to change the current situation.
Sep 10, 2012 22:06
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If it is difficult to change the current situation, shaving heads is just a futile effort too.
Sep 19, 2012 21:33

Originally Posted by WANHU

If it is difficult to change the current situation, shaving heads is just a futile effort too.

Yes. What are they going to do next?
Sep 20, 2012 02:27
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Usually in colleges and universities they have students' representatives, a body or organisation within the university to provide avenues for the students to air their grouses and thoughts. They also can provide public forum on certain issues.
Sep 26, 2012 22:32
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Usually in colleges and universities they have students' representatives, a body or organisation within the university to provide avenues for the students to air their grouses and thoughts. They also can provide public forum on certain issues.

Wan, we have student union in colleges too. Unfortunately, this organization has been corrupted. Those who compete for the position of the president of the Student Union do their best to bribe other people including teachers. They invite their teachers and other voters to have dinner together or send gifts to them. The only purpose is to solicit their votes.

When I entered the college, a girl helped our tutor find soldiers to give us the military training. Later, she became the president of the Student Union of our department. My roommate finally told me that the girl’s father was a powerful man. It was her father who find soldiers from the prison through his “connections”.

By the way, I joined a badminton association when I was in college. The president asked all of us to hand in CNY 10 as the initiation fee. But the association didn't hold any activity after we paid the fee.
Oct 5, 2012 11:04
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Blame the voters too, if they didn't vote the corrupted wouldn't be elected.
Oct 6, 2012 03:21
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Blame the voters too, if they didn't vote the corrupted wouldn't be elected.


Sometimes the election is like showbusiness. It is used as a tool to make us believe leaders are selected fairly. In fact, the leaders are already designated.
Oct 9, 2012 13:22
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During my student days, there were students' representatives at every faculty but I did my own way to assure the student got their well-balanced meals, their welfare for good dormitories. I didn't mind to go and see the Director of Student Affairs because those reps were too busy with campus politics and politicking. I used to see the Dean of Academic Affairs to air our grouses for having night classes.
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