Can striptease and pole dance performers comfort the dead's soul?
Oct 11, 2012 02:20
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The professional striptease dance performers have found a new stage to perform. They not only dance at wedding and religious festivals but also perform at funerals.

According to Reuters, pretty girls who wear mini-skirts dance on a “special stage” in accordance with some pop music during the funeral. They mainly perform striptease or pole dance. The special stage is a specially designed truck which can transform into a stage equipped with light and sound equipment if necessary.

Why do they perform striptease and pole dance at funerals? To comfort the dead’s soul, according to the performers. Their real purpose is to make money. However, the money can not be acquired easily.

According to Taiwan law, being naked in public is a serious criminal wrong. They face the risk of being arrested for performing striptease in public. Law is law but they haven’t been arrested. Why? They are partially naked.
Oct 14, 2012 15:50
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Some people will do many things for money, even disrespecting the dead.
Oct 14, 2012 20:39
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Some people will do many things for money, even disrespecting the dead.

The key is why the dead's children invite striptease dancers to perform at their parents' funeral. It's a humiliation to the dead.
Oct 15, 2012 12:03
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Both to be blamed, dear Raindrop.
Oct 15, 2012 22:21
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Both to be blamed, dear Raindrop.

Well, it's true that both sides are wrong. But I think the the dead's kids should take more responsibility. If they don't pay the striptease performers, they will not have a chance to disturb the dead.
Oct 15, 2012 22:28
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When my mom's grandmother passed away, her sons held a special funeral for her. A band was invited and they performed happy modern pop songs full of happiness. It's the first time I had seen that a funeral could be arranged in this way.

You know, she passed away when she was nearly 90 years old. All people thought she had no regrets and passed away peacefully. I guess that's why her sons held a "happy" funeral for her.

Today, some people even invite professional actresses to cry at the dead's families. They cry heartbrokenly and made others feel sad. But most people do not know they are actresses. They just think they are the dead's relatives.

Oct 30, 2012 17:20
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It happened everywhere, especially among the rich Chinese. In my hometown, people get 20 kwai for crying. No one knows them because usually their heads are covered with the hood.
Oct 30, 2012 21:45
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Originally Posted by WANHU

It happened everywhere, especially among the rich Chinese. In my hometown, people get 20 kwai for crying. No one knows them because usually their heads are covered with the hood.

OMG! I just thought it happened in China. In my opinion, it humiliates the dead by inviting some unrelated people to cry for them. What about the dead's kids? Don't they feel sad?
Nov 7, 2012 05:09
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The kids don't understand. Most rich people only have one child, while not so rich have at least half a dozen. The more the people cry, they believe that the dead is a good person on earth.
Nov 7, 2012 20:58
  • CHERRY07
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We can't know how the dead feel when some strangers cry for them. But the dead's son are very busy during that period.

When my grandpa passed away, my dad and my two uncles were very busy. You know, it is a custom that the neighbors and other villagers come for help when a family holds a wedding for their sons or a funeral for their parents.

So they came to help us finish my grandpa's funeral. Although we had someone in charge of everything, they still came to my father and uncles. They couldn't kneel down in front of my grandpa's coffin to cry for a long time.
Nov 7, 2012 21:04
  • CHERRY07
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Originally Posted by WANHU

The more the people cry, they believe that the dead is a good person on earth.

So their son hire people to cry for their parents in order to prove their parents are good people? Nonsense! The neighbors and villagers around do know what kind of people their parents are.

In my hometown, if an old man passes away quickly without being tortured by any kind of illness or suffering, he is believed to be a good man. He causes no trouble for their children.

By the way, if the dead is a good man, almost all villagers and neighbors will come to help their sons finish the funeral. The fewer people come for help, the unpopular the dead and their children are.
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