Can striptease and pole dance performers comfort the dead's soul?
Nov 7, 2012 21:10
  • CHERRY07
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You know, pole dance is not as erotic as someone thinks. China has set up a pole dance team to compete with other pole dancers in the world. Pole dance in night clubs might be erotic. But pole dance championships are totally different.
Nov 10, 2012 00:37
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The Hokkien (Fujian people) of Penang and Singapore, have special celebration called Chingay. One of the important attractions is bamboo pole walking/dancing. This celebration has its own history and the first official celebration in Penang was done in 1919. In 2003, Chingay was performed in Beijing.
Nov 11, 2012 02:33
  • CHERRY07
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I have no idea about the origin of pole dance. By the way, I have to correct my mistake. The pole dance team is not set up by the government. They are just ordinary pole dancers and set up a team to compete in international arena. When they compete, they represent China. So far, they don't receve any support or sponsorship from the government.
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