Once you marry a Chinese woman, it is tantamount to marrying her entire family.
Jan 22, 2014 17:23
GUESTFRANK ...move on to what?

If you look for real love...stay with your mother!

The same stories are told about Thai Ladies or Ladies from all over Asia and all over the world.

This is bad experiences transfered into stereotypical bullspit!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Frank the Tank
Jan 24, 2014 18:17
GUEST16983 I'm sure it's all very exciting at first, but once the reality sets in, what is it really like settling in the UK with a Chinese wife 25 years younger than you? How does she feel thousands of miles from family and friends, with limited communication ? Does she really want to do all your household chores like a slave ? How long before she leaves you for a younger and fitter guy ? Get real !
Jan 25, 2014 19:22
GUEST78894 GUEST16983,

Perhaps, he who marries a Chinese girl who is 25 years younger than him has a lot of money. Then his wife needn't do household chores like a slave.

I think love is what makes you together. If you have money, you two will have easy life. If not, you both live a simple life or divorce someday.
Jan 26, 2014 22:14
GUEST80130 How did she get a US visa that quickly?? Fiancee and spousal visas that over 7 months.
Jan 26, 2014 22:26
GUEST80130 I actually have a grand daughter who works for one of the Chinese marriage agencies. Each girl pictures on websites is sponsored by a local marriage agency. There is an amazing amount of difference in the business philosophy of various agencies.
In some cases, you will correspond with a translator who will pretend to be the person you're interested in. That person may exist but is considered a asset of the agency and may not even know of your interest. The agencies charge the lady as much as $5000.00 USD for the introduction to you so they will try to avoid any possibility they will not get the fee.
Other agencies actually call the lady and read your letters and write her reply. One way to insure the lady is real and knows about you is to request a video call such as those afforded by Skype, Tango, QQ, and others. No video call= likely scam!
In some cases, men contact the agencies and describe what they are looking for. Interviews with many ladies are possible and it becomes a case of "what you see is what you get.

Feb 7, 2014 16:14
GUEST54188 I love all the comments from people who know NOTHING about China. I LIVED in China for 2 years . . . not "visited" . . . LIVED. #1, 2, 5, and 6 and 100% true. Even the Chinese will admit to it. Chinese woman are so beautiful and sexy . . . but . . .
Feb 9, 2014 18:21
GUEST29555 I married a mainland Chinese lady. She is a loving, caring woman, and shows it by wanting me to take care of myself. She is learning English, and i some mandarin. We still use translater. She wants her own family, that's me, and is willing to relocate to get it. It is very hard for older divorced Chinese ladies to find love, and that is why they will relocate.
She loves to cook for me, and tries to make food that i like. We will be married a year this July. Maybe soon we can be together. In the meantime, i will go back and visit and live with her for the 4th time this summer. I could not be happier.
Feb 26, 2014 21:10
GUEST2807 Boy. Dont worry. Chinese wives are also reasonable. If you discuss those issues with her gently, things will get better. And I have to say No.1 IS NOT CORRECT AT ALL. I never heard this before.
Mar 7, 2014 17:38
GUESTTHE STU... I am married to a Chinese woman. I'm a white guy and I can tell you that everything that the OP says is true in my experience.

When you marry a Chinese woman you DO marry her whole friggin family.

At the moment she wants to become an American citizen only for the purpose to grant her mother and father a green card so that they can live under my roof and take advantage of the old people healthcare system that they never contributed to.

So now I will be used and have no freedom? No...I'm ending my relationship with her at this writing. She will not have any hope of obtaining citizenship without my help. I'm doing all tax payers of the USA a favor by leaving her and her fraudulent agenda. Thank God I never had kids with her.
Mar 15, 2014 16:06
GUEST01956 Wow you have written the best opinion and makes it a bit more clearly of
what I am going thru. The Chinese lady I like is 38 years old, never married,
and no boyfriends, but its hard to imagine someone so good looking and alone, working from 9am to 11 pm. The small information I have been able to drag out of her, she comes from a poor family in China and had to work, I asked her if she had a college degree, and she said no had to work. Her English is ok but sometimes word like computer was hard for me to figure it out. She is friendly not flirty, she smiles easily, I asked her to marry me and her answer is "I don't know". I am older, almost 59 but very young at heart.
After 3 years of seen her at her place of business an Asian massage, she finally told me that for me to wait one year and then she would be with me. but that's not what I want, we need to start having a relationship now so we can find out if we are compatible with each other, but she either does not understand what relationship means or cannot communicate, but I do miss her, I stop going to see her, now maybe once a month. She is very professional and does not allows any hanky panky or happy endings, and her professional attitude is what has me head over heels about her. Please help.
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