Do you know 45-day chickens?
Aug 13, 2013 17:07
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Not only in China dear Cherry, in almost every part of the world. The Africans are dominating the black money scam, while some Malaysians are known for its credit card fraud where issuing banks are monitoring closely its users.
Aug 13, 2013 20:44
  • CHERRY07
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According to the reports I read, the money scams are mostly done by people from southern China. The telephone scam that happened on me was done by two men from Guangdong Province.
Aug 31, 2013 22:16
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It may be from other parts too, just be careful. Sometimes they use names that you're familiar with, asking to borrow certain amount of money. As you know the name mentioned you won't hesistate to give but then, the account numbers to be sent belong to someone else's.
Sep 2, 2013 22:23
  • CHERRY07
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The stupid scam is to pretend as someone's friends and then call him/her to borrow money. I received some calls. They all said that they were my friends. When I asked their names, none of them told me. They just said "Have you forgotten my name?" and I just replied "Yes, please tell me your name." Then they said nothing but disconnected the phone.
Sep 20, 2013 20:32
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They have many types of modus operandi. One friend bought a bag from Taobao through her credit card. Then a few days later someone from GZ phoned her telling her the payment did not go through and asked her to pay again to another account. Instead of paying RMB238 for the bag, the man put 4000. Later when she contacted the issuing bank, the officer said he can't do anything. She made a police report.

I don't know how the bank stipulates the usage of credit cards and its fraudulent use by a third party. It happened to me before but I didn't have to pay because I have not transacted any purchase but by someone who fraudulently use my credit card. The bank cancelled my credit card and issued a new one with new account numbers.

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