Do you know 45-day chickens?
Jul 31, 2013 12:40
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There is pros and cons in having a cellphone but one things for sure, it stops us from memorising numbers as we tend to depend on its ability to store numbers. Last time I could remember many friends' numbers but not anymore. One time my main office asking for my cellphone number. I told the operator I can't. Then she told me everyone needs to give and I told her, my phone doesn't belong to the office, and I paid its bill(s) monthly from my own pocket money. If directors or even Minister want to contact me, they can do so to my office phone.
Aug 1, 2013 01:08
  • BBQQ
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Yes, I have noticed that I can't calculate easy math problems now. I just take out my cellphone and use the calculator to do math problems.


Next time you meet people who have two cellphones, you won't regard them as peculiar men. They have one for families, friends and relatives and the other for colleagues, bosses etc.

If you are disturbed, you may buy a cellphone which enables you use two sim cards (even provided by two telecom companies).
Aug 4, 2013 11:54
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Why waste money just to answer someone's call(s)?
Aug 5, 2013 22:06
  • BBQQ
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Why waste money just to answer someone's call(s)?

It's about privacy. I have been using my cellphone number for 8 years since I got my cellphone when I was in the second year of college. After graduation, I filled many resumes online to find jobs. I put my cellphone number in the forms and it was known to everyone. I receive disturbance calls everyday.

One way, I received a call from a person who claimed to be one of my friends. But I didn’t know him. He kept calling me again and again. I was angry and told him that I would call the police immediately. Then he stopped calling me. Another guy who got my family telephone number called my parents and told them that I was hit by a car. They said I was sent to the hospital and needed money to have the operation. My dad called me but I was answering “my friend’s call” at that moment. My dad believed what the guy said. He rushed out and caught a taxi to see me. After “my friend” called me, I made a call to my dad like I did every week. My dad asked me if I was hit by a car. I told him that I was ok. Then we realized that we were fooled.

In the second year after my graduation, I bought another cellphone and had a new cellphone number. I didn’t tell anyone my new cellphone number excluding my families and best friends.

Wan, you can see how important to keep our privacy. If I didn’t call my dad, my dad probably gave money to that guy who called him.
Aug 6, 2013 08:32
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It is true one needs her/his privacy but privacy doesn't mean we need to have 2 cellphone numbers or 2 cellphones. Even our private email account is being invaded by unwanted mails that we call spams.

The cheater can't use the same modus operandi in Malaysia as medical is almost free for every Malaysian citizen. For unfamiliar numbers, usually I won't answer. As I am not famous as you with hundreds of calls per day, no one calls me except once in a blue moon who doesn't understand about dependent and independent variables, or should he use grounded theory in historical research.

Aug 6, 2013 21:52
  • CHERRY07
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Some people engage in selling people's telephone numbers. My colleagues bought an apartment. The real estate developer sold his telephone number to other real estate developers. His new apartment is built. Now he received nearly 20 calls every day. Many housing decoration companies ask him whether he is going to decorate his new apartment.

Last edited by CHERRY07: Aug 6, 2013 21:54
Aug 7, 2013 03:25
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A lot of them dear Cherry, including those working in banks, real estates and credit card companies unscrupulously selling customers' info. These people will hound you with various offers including how to borrow money in order to pay your credit cards, etc.
Aug 7, 2013 04:48
  • CHERRY07
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What? Personels in the banks also sell the customers' info? I think our info should be encrypted.
Aug 10, 2013 09:35
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Not the bank, but people working in the bank. Where do you think some companies get your cellphone numbers? From your parents? Haha.
Aug 12, 2013 22:34
  • CHERRY07
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Not the bank, but people working in the bank. Where do you think some companies get your cellphone numbers? From your parents? Haha.

Of course, they didn't get mine from my parents. In fact, I don't know how they acquire my cellphones. The telephone fraud frequently happen in China.
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