how to get money back from ex
May 1, 2013 07:18
guest26496 I lent him 4000yuan when we were together. Now we broke up (in kinda of a ugly way)and i want my money back but he said he won't pay me back. What could I do? I'm just a student and I need it back.
May 3, 2013 22:28

Originally Posted by GUEST26496

I lent him 4000yuan when we were together. Now we broke up (in kinda of a ugly way)and i want my money back but he said he won't pay me back. What could I do? I'm just a student and I need it back.

That's awful. Did he spend some money for you? It's difficult to calculate the loss for both of you.
May 10, 2013 04:04
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It's not easy to get back from a borrower unless one has proper record to back the claim(s). Some Lenders publish the name of the borrowers in the newspapers, or paste on the public noticeboard(s).
May 16, 2013 18:57
GUEST19210 guest26496,

You're out of luck, not only because of lack of proof, but also because when you were together, money moving from one pocket to another was probably very fuzzy.

The lesson here: If it's a loan, write it down as an agreement. Otherwise it will be considered as a gift.

May 20, 2013 08:30
GUEST20101 Make friends with a big guy, he might persuade him ;o)
May 21, 2013 01:48
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Originally Posted by GUEST20101

Make friends with a big guy, he might persuade him ;o)

Persuade him or scare him to return your money back? I'd like to know if you give your money to him willingly or not. Did he spend his money for you? If he spent money for you, could he ask you to pay back the money?

I think you should find someone who prefers to go Dutch with you as your boyfriend. Then you won't regret when you break up because you didn't lose a cent when being together with him.
May 21, 2013 11:35
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Originally Posted by RAINDROP

I think you should find someone who prefers to go Dutch with you as your boyfriend. Then you won't regret when you break up because you didn't lose a cent when being together with him.

That's what most couples did. When in "love" everything is fine but when separated everything is not correct. Please look before you leap.
May 21, 2013 21:14
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Originally Posted by WANHU

That's what most couples did. When in "love" everything is fine but when separated everything is not correct. Please look before you leap.

Yes, they are families when being together. But they become enemies when separated.
May 21, 2013 23:17
GUEST65239 Nope he borrowed the money for his own use that time his wallet was lost and he needed money...he said he would return it to me in one month but he didnt..
May 21, 2013 23:19
GUEST65239 i don't have any proof..because i trusted him.. he said he would return it to me in one month but we broke up and i just want it back!!so not worth of it..
May 21, 2013 23:20
GUEST65239 maybe that's it..i should consider it that i bought this kind of lesson for 4000yuan..
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