Leaving or staying? | |
Nov 22, 2013 03:16 | |
| This topic has been talked repeatedly here. But I still want to know what you will do when you encounter this situation. Please be patient to read the following content translated from a piece of Chinese news. 65 years old Mrs. Jiang fell on the road on June 15, 2013. When she fell, three little kids came by and one kid lifted her up. Jiang didn’t say “Thank you” but held the kid’s hands tightly. She claimed it was the little kid who knocked her down so that she couldn’t let the kid go. Later, Mrs. Jiang was treated at hospital for a while. Her family paid nearly 20000 yuan as medical expenditure. Mr. Jiang’s family insisted that three kids should compensate Mr.Jiang for knocking her down. However, the three kids’ parents didn’t agree. The local office of justice mediated between them and finally made a decision that three kids compensated Mrs. Jiang 7500 yuan. Three kids’ parents disagree. Mrs. Jiang’s family sent Mrs. Jiang to one kid’s home and let her stayed there for two days. The kid’s parents left their home with their kid and stayed together with their relatives for a week. Mrs. Jiang’s family came to the home of the kid’s relative and asked for compensation. The kid’s parents gave them 1100 yuan but Jiang’s family asked for more. The kid’s parents refused and reported them to the police station that Jiang’s family extorted money from them. There was no monitoring facility on the street where Mrs. Jiang fell down. The three kids’ parents came to the street where Mrs. Jiang fell over with a board in hands. They wanted to find witnesses. So far, seven witnesses have been found. According to them, three kids didn’t knock Mrs. Jiang down. It was her fault. A journalist interviewed Mrs. Jiang and her daughter-in-law on November 20. According to the record, Mrs. Jiang’s daughter-in-law says her mother-in-law fell down when she bathed at home. As a result, Mrs. Jiang broke her legs. However, Mrs. Jiang’s son and grandson still insist that three kids should compensate Mrs. Jiang some money. It seems that this wasn’t an accident but a well planned incident. Mrs. Jiang planned to frame up someone and asked him/her to burden her medical costs. If there is enough evidence that proves the three kids are innocent, I strongly Mrs. Jiang, her son and grandson should be punished harshly. As a Chinese, I have read many similar cases. Old people fell down and blame those who lift them up for knocking them down. It’s too sad. A survey was conducted on Sina.com shows that 86 percent of the participants won’t give a hand when confronted with the same situation. Only are 14 percent willing to lift up the fallen old people at the risk of being framed up. How sarcastic it is! Most of the happened cases have forced people to believe “it’s no good to be a warm-hearted man.” |
Nov 23, 2013 10:28 | |
| A good story to ponder. For me I will still land a hand when I see someone falls down and needs help. I still believe crime doesn't pay. Wan |
Nov 26, 2013 02:47 | |
| Wan, It's not a story but a report. The latest update says that this old lady still insists she was knocked down by the three kids. She even knelt in front of the journalists to ask them find the truth. Her son also planned to take legal action to discover the truth. The three witnesses swear that they saw the old lady fall without anyone touching her. It's complicated now. Some people say this old lady might have brain problem. She refuses to admit she fell down on her own because it's a disgrace to lie. The latest update doesn't say anything about the old lady's daughter-in-law again. I don't know if she dare be another witness. It's she who said the old lady fall at home. |
Last edited by CHERRY07: Nov 26, 2013 02:49 |
Nov 27, 2013 09:14 | |
| A report is still a story, but definitely not a created story. Story of the past is sometimes called history. When someone makes a report, the story becomes a police report, and no longer termed as story. Just like a car, when it becomes a taxi, though still a car is called a taxi. The case should be referred to the hospital for further observations. Clinical specialist especially psychiatrist will know the truth if she has mental distortion(s). I have seen cases, in order to attract attention later it becomes habitual to do something out of normal "procedures". Wan |
Nov 29, 2013 00:27 | |
| Wan, you are an eloquent speaker. I looked into Mrs. Jiang's case again. It seemed that there was something wrong. Her daughter-in-law said she fell when she bathed at home. If so, how could she walk into the street and fall down again? Some people also have doubts "How can she grasp a kid's hands when she fell down?" |
Nov 30, 2013 12:48 | |
| I have read posts over the forum. Regretfully, I would say, it seems like a kangaroo court, devoid of proper justice. Cases accepted in court should be beyond reasonable doubt. The plaintiff should have enough proof to accuse, while proof of innocence should not be borne by the defendant alone. Wan |
Dec 11, 2013 00:51 | |
| If this is what you call "Chinese justice system", then it's a shame. If you were the judge, what decision would you make when the plaintiff had some witnesses? |
Dec 13, 2013 00:56 | |
| Dear Cherry, alibis and witnesses are part of the requirements and procedures in order to conclude. Justice is not only be seen but also done. Still, the court needs to cross-examine all witnesses. Wan |
Dec 14, 2013 21:09 | |
| Wan, I don't think the judges are too fool to cross-examine the witnesses' alibis. I just feel it's strange that the old lady asks for discovering the truth. |
Dec 26, 2013 19:28 | |
| How about bias judge(s)? Wan |
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