Cruelty to Cormorants in Guilin

Written by Ms. cHRIS SOUTHWELL Apr 25, 2012 06:01
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I had a fantastic tour around China lately and loved every minute of it.  However,  an advert by a certain UK Bank on the Cormorant Fishermen in Guilin has had a disgraceful, cruel impact. Every tour we did was cultural and enjoyable but this has become so popular that they have 2 ferry boats to take tourists out to see the fishermen. The fishernen looked bored as they had obviously done this display 100 times and were not doing it naturally but just for tourist display. 4 or 5 birds are tied up on the side and held on the boats waiting to go out. Their necks are constantly tied in straw, which I accept would have been the old way of fishing. However, they looked unhealthy from the outset and obviously hungry but cannot eat the fish they catch. As it is conveniently dark, tourists cannot see their state but on close inspection I could see they were neglected. The birds are not trained but hungry so will do what they can to try to catch the fish. They do not eat and have to perform 3 or 4 displays a night to 2 ferry boats of tourists. They are then brought back in but the fishermen did not feed them (as we were told would happen) and they had to go out and do it all again as we were rushed off for the next batch of tourists.

Do not support this tour

I understand that there is a different culture in China regarding animals and accepted that as a necessity to eat fresh food. I also appreciate that they do not waste food. However, HSBC has promoted this way of fishing in an advert and this display it is not romantic or calm at all but tense and unnecessary.  Perhaps it is done like that in some areas away from tourists but this display is a pure disgrace for the entertainment of the tourists from the western world... Some people on our ferry agreed but were not sure to what extent to complain.  Disgusting.

 More Guilin Travel Reviews
1. A Short But Exciting Holiday in Guilin FRANCIS LIEW from Malaysia Apr 12, 2011 04:59
2. A Bad Travel Agency in Guilin Spoiled Our Cruise DIEGO from Brazil Nov 19, 2010 02:41
3. An April Dream in Guilin SUMMERLING from China Nov 5, 2010 01:22
Comments (1)


Nov 13, 2012 17:59 Reply

Mr.IAN HUNTER from New Zealand said:

Hi every one! Just read the story on the miss treated Cormorants? I watch nature stuff on TV and I'm sure the one I watched showed the fishermen tieing the birds neck in such away that the birds can swollow the small fish they catch but not the large ones? now it was a long time ago when watched this documentary? so I might be wrong? but I think this is how it works with these birds. We have cormorants here in NZ but we do not use them for fishing, so we are not miss treating our birds and by the way they are a protected species here in NZ

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