Things to do in Guilin, China: Cormorant Fishing

Written by Aug 19, 2013 05:29
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Cormorant Fishing is an interesting activity in Guilin. Cormorant is a expert swimmer. They pursue fish under water. Fishing with birds is an old tradition, since ancient times in China, cormorants have been tamed and trained to catch and bring back fish to their owners. Training starts when the young birds are fully grown and feathered.
When the evening is coming, a large number of bamboo rafts, the fishermen light the lantern to draw fish, they catch fish 3, 5 hours, even sometimes the whole night. The next day their wives sell fish in the local market while husbands catch fish at night. There are many lanterns on the bamboo rafts just like the stars in the sky. It is amazing. Sometimes you can see the cormorant shining under the lanterns. The fisherman sails slowly on a small boat with trained cormorant birds swimming around the boat. A piece of string is tied around the birds throat so the bird can't swallow. So the cormorant swims and catches fish and stores them in their mouth. One by one the fisherman hooks the bird on a stick, and empties the mouth filled with fish and then puts the bird back in the water to continue the fishing technique! So we followed the boat and watched under torchlight, this unique and clever way of fishing... an atmospheric and interesting boat ride.
The cormorant fishing is around 45 minutes for the tourists at 7:30 pm each ngiht.
One good cormorant can catch enough fish to support an entire family. The screen of fishman into the sunset is wonderfull. you will feel relax and comfortable. i feel satisfied with services of Guin private tours.

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