Will you sign a prenuptial agreement?
Nov 6, 2007 20:58
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*(Sorry, press the wrong button.)

I am in favor of this point 100 percent. However, is the purpose of my quotation is to tarnish your statement? Not at all. Sorry for not posting the original words. I regret for my fault. Sorry again, Mr JC.

As to your answer to my post, frankly speaking, I am not quite satisfied. I am just quite busy. Meanwhile, it is meaniless to argue on the trivialities.

Thanks for your kind words. Actually, I didn't treat JC's words as an offence. We just dissent on some points. I promise that I will stop commenting on the trivialities. Once again, thank you, Mike.

As I have said, you probably blong to the generation of my parents, I don't care that you call me 'a little kid'. Perhaps I am. "Since you are elder, I should show my respect for you." Please don't take anything what I have said as offfence.

If I have ever offended you, herein I offer my sincere apology from the bottom of my heart. JC, sorry!
Hey. I am eager to read more your insightful posts.

Hi Mike,
It is nice to exchange ideas with you. Your posts are profoud and insightful.

Best Regards!


Nov 9, 2007 21:33
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To sign a prenuptial agreement is a manifestation of lackness of confidence before marriage. It seems to me that signing a prenuptial agreement humiliate the meaning of love and marriage.
Nov 10, 2007 05:59
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Leonardo and JC,
To paraphrase Travelmikes response,
I am not sure if I am watching the epée or the foil here in this most interesting duel of words. The foil can only thrust and before doing that must deflect but the epee can thrust in attack and have saber cutting motions. But both antagonists must wear face masks in case an eye is lost.
But a wonderful duel to watch and read.
Salute the referee and continue gentlemen.
Nov 12, 2007 21:03
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I jumped in this thread with the curiosity to see that how many people would sign a pre-nuptial agreement. Well, a little bit disappointed. It seems that this thread has turned into a game( Dodger regards it as a foil or an epee). There two powerful rivals( Leo, Jc), one referee( mike) and only one spectator?(Dodger). Although It is a wonderful duel of words, dodger, do you really want them to continue? Better return to business, will you sign a pre-nuptiall agreement?

For me, a pre-nup is OK. No one can predict what will happen to their marriage. In this world, everything is changing. Human is no exception, but I won't take the distribution of wealth into much consideration in the pre-nuptial agreement. My pre-nuptial should incluse the clause concerning the distribution of housework. Hehe!
Nov 13, 2007 03:26
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Sorry for diverting from the topic. I favor your idea. "No one can predict what will happen to their marriage. In this world, everything is changing. " Perhaps, the only unchanged thing is Change itself. Everyone is changing. Signing a pre-nupt does not matter. The distribution of weath is not important compared with the loss of eternal love.
Nov 13, 2007 09:17
  • JCNILE123
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Everyone, please know I enjoy the privilege to read your
words and thinking.

As I say before, I perhaps ask more questions than the
usual and so, I learn from you.

My respect and admiration to all of you in this forum,
I have come to like each of you very much, thank you again.

Nov 14, 2007 03:37
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You and LEO are quite smart guys.Both your posts are thought-provoking. I have learned a lot from your duel of words. Hehe.
Nov 14, 2007 06:34
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What's wrong preparing for foul in fair weather? hoho~~
Nov 19, 2007 20:45
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I havn't checked this thread for a long period. It seems that this thread has experienced a duration of chaos. After a tumultuous debate, everything restores to peace. It is fine.

Well, I have noticed that there is a guest said "that's why you are alone". His/her reply implies that " since I won't sign a pre-nupt, I am doomed to be alone." Does it make sense? I don't care about his/her words. I want to hear you guys' views on this issue: Is a pre-nuptial agreement a must/necessity for a sound and happy marriage? Suppose I refuse to sign a pre-nupt, will I be doomed to be alone? Will you put a pre-nup a prerequisite for a happy marriage?
Nov 20, 2007 08:41
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Mi casa es su casa.
I will not even think about offering pre-nup to my wife. Marriage is committed for rest of life (sometimes not, but that´s the meaning of marriage anyway). Both work for it, why spoil it by thinking of fortune?
If our marriage doesnt last forever, then my wife takes half and i will begin from the beginning. (again, he he)

What did we learn about that? Nothing ;-)

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