if you fall in love with a muslim when you are not,what will you do?
Nov 23, 2012 02:59
GUEST93433 iam in love with a muslim boy and he say okay
Dec 4, 2012 14:13
GUESTDUMMYPANTS Hey I also got a similar situation here, this muslim girl is really going crazy about me, of course she is very beautiful... She keeps calling me And discussing about me with her sisters and friends, they also tell me what She tries to do to impress me, and that she prays for me a lot and she gets Really sober when I don't talk to her and I Also noticed she's a very active person but when she sees me she calms down absolutely and there was also this day she saw me talking with my ex-gf she was passing by and I saw Jealousy in her... She was really burning deep within her but she couldn't tell Me she sometimes losses her confidence or runs out of words and ofcourse she gets Shy when I talk to her... There's much more happening but nothin too serious My friends, her friends, her sisters keeps telling me not to break her heart that I should go and meet her this and that blah blah blah serioisly folks I don't know what To do I need your help guys please reply
Dec 6, 2012 20:47
GUESTARABO M... Any non-muslims must think twice.If you are not muslim, you're gonna burn in a hell forever.If you convert to Islam, My ALLAH forgives you then take you to HEAVEN!
So you want to burn in HELL or You wanna stay in a beautiful garden with peace!
Nov 27, 2013 10:46
GUEST84194 can you love a canadian
Nov 30, 2013 15:00
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I believe love has nothing to do with religion. Perhaps religion may enhance the feeling of love (with responsibility and respect).
Dec 9, 2013 21:22
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You are wrong. Think about those Indian girls who elope for their love. What happen to them? They are killed cruelly.
Jan 1, 2014 18:17
GUEST03252 Hello everyone,

I came onto this post and had a question to ask, can anybody give me advise please??

I am a chinese girl born in Australia, i am lucky to have found myself a muslim boyfriend.
He taught me many things that changed me and made me a better person.
I understand a lot of his culture and religion and i am actually really loving the things i learnt.

We have been together for 5 years. I was brave enough to tell my parents about him; Afghan muslim. They were not happy and shocked at the beginning but they have known him for almost 2 years now and they really like him BUT they are so worried about the family religion and culture...

My parents assume his mother wears the hijab, all the females in the family wear the hijab but my parents will freak out !

I now am so confused to to do, i need to tell my parents that his religion is not a crime and also i want to be engaged with this guy because he is a good man and i love him.

How do i tell my parents about his family? im scared they will know and try to break us up :(

please anybody have any advise.

Thank you for your time
Jan 27, 2014 00:10
GUESTNIZAR_SKY I would say as a Muslim, its better she break up > since both cultures are different. Its hard for both of them to live for a long time unless both has same belief.
Another point here I need to point our is that Islam does not advise one to force convert the opposite sex for the sake of marriage. Conversion Must be based on ones true knowledge and interest in the Islam.
Jul 13, 2014 21:45
GUESTA BELIEVER okay i'm a Muslim so let me shed some light
you can marry the man without converting if you are a christian or a Jewish either because you don't have to convert them but if she is a atheist i'm sorry no she has to accept the Muslim law and convert if she wants to get married and she can't convert just because she wants to get married to him she has to give her heart and soul to our god(Allah) for her to be a Muslim

if she nows she can't take it she should tell her to back out tell her to tell him that she doesn't want to convert it's her choice if she wants to leave it there
he isn't supposed to have a girlfriend anyway Muslims don't keep boyfriends and girlfriends its forbidden
Oct 16, 2014 23:13
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Sometimes I am interested in religions. Humans provide views and sometimes quite confusing for someone like me, thus I would rather study from their scriptures, especially the translated ones. I have with me both the Bible and the Koran as well as books written about Hinduism and Buddhism. In Malaysia we have many religions, thus I used to attend comparative study in religions to quench my thirst.
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