if you fall in love with a muslim when you are not,what will you do?
Aug 21, 2015 08:08
GUEST92251 I have a muslim boyfriend and i am a catholic. Yes they are arrange for marriage and some case married to their cousins. I broke up with him aweek ago. They listen more to their parent rather than listening what the heart says for whom they will marry. He doesnt want me to leave him but i know someday he have to leave too. He broke down and i comforted him by telling you dont have to worry if this is your god plans for you and my god also had another plan for me. I smiled at him while i walk away pretending to be strong so its not difficult for both of us.
Oct 16, 2015 16:31
GUEST78218 I have been talking to this Muslim man from Algeria for some time now.. he said that he loves me and he is only with me. Can this be. Even though we only talk a few hours a night. And how would I know if I'm the only one... im so confused i love the guy too.... and i am always there when he calls or texts. But it takes him so long to answer me... i dont know what to think...
Dec 8, 2015 13:40
GUESTCONFUSE... I'm also in love with a muslim guy.. we had our relationship for 5months..he is so sweet .. he always tells me that he loves me.. but our relationship become shakey last October he started to tell me lot of excuses that he have an accident and cant walk .. I believe him but there's something telling me that he just making excuses that not to meet me during my free time.. he explained to me that he can't chat or use his cell phone while his at home ...he can't received calls cuz his mom asking him who is the one calling him.. I can't understand him .. then one day I decided to chat one of his fb friend, and I asked about him..if he has relationship if he didn't go to work cuz the accident.. then unfortunately his friend told him about what I did.. from that time, he broke up with me till now we don't have any communication..and he blocked me in all applictions.. what I will do? I Still love him..I used no contact rules.. but still he didn't communicate with me now is one month from the time we broke please.
Dec 18, 2015 07:16
GUESTRUBY I'm in love with a non - Muslim guy, and I'm Muslim, we parted ways because of religion and he's agnostic .. at first when we got together he wanted to convert, this was 2 and half years back .. and ever since he went back to India, something has changed he's about him .. He doesn't want to follow religion, any sort of religion but he believes in god. He was one person who was scares of losing me .. and now something has changed .. that he doesn't seem to bothered .. like he says "whatever god does will be for our best" etc .. He never said things like that before ... He was the one who was afraid all the time to lose me .. now it just seems like nothing .. He cares for me and texts and calls me here and there ... but there's a distance and its not the same as it was before ..
Feb 16, 2016 10:33
GUEST19330 I have found a Muslim guy and we have been chatting for long time and today something different happen we went in bed I feel he loves me and sometimes I feel he doesn't is he using me for sex
Mar 5, 2016 08:12
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Don't take things for granted.
Mar 20, 2016 20:44
GUEST13250 Not true,I have a daughter with a Somalian & he is Muslim, he loves me& begs me to be a mate to him,but I refuse to rush into anything, our daughter is 15 years of age.
Apr 11, 2016 04:49
GUEST42419 FREEEEEEDOM !!!!!!! The FREEDOM to live ,the FREEDOM to be me.FREEDOM to make my own choices...Freedom to work and earn my own money !!!FREEDOM PERIOD !!!!
Jun 17, 2016 22:42
GUEST18172 I love this response and needed it today bcz I met a Muslim man from Egypt on Facebook 8 days ago and he is amazing and he has made me fall in love already and we talk all day and video chat so many times throughout the day. He hides in the trees from his boss in the morning to talk to me for over an hour. At first everyone was on me about it bcz they were prejudging him but they have no idea how much we click and how fast I could never see myself without him. So thank you bcz hee is wonderful and others are letting Islam get in the way. But I am doing my research to see what is involved with being his wife!
Jul 9, 2016 18:58
GUEST32165 i am in love w/ a muslim man w/ 4kids and he is divorce..
but everytime i ask him to meet his family especially his kids he refuse because they
won't accept as their future stepmom i feel sad because i only want to show that i'm
willing to get along w/his family and especialy his kids and embrace them as my own
anyway i also have one daughter but i never been married due to our both parents in
relationship w/my christian ex..
we just met online dating site he hides his personal info lke his photo.. while is open
then after 2months of communicating we met he came in my country(philippines)
i have no idea what his looks coz he never send his pic, but he already occupied a space
in my heart while were only communicating over the phone call, email his gentle man w/ sense of humour. going back to what i'm trying to say then the moment we've met
i feel inlove / him because after i fetch him in the airport we've stayed in the hotel to rest he never take advantage to do like sex.. we just talk and tell everything about his he have 4 kidsthen was slightly disappointed coz he hide's about when were just talking over the phone but he explained then i understand him.. then he asked me to marry him even though that was the first we've met. then he gave time to time to think after that i already introduced him to my family.
why should i do?
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