Will you give up your career to maintain conjugal relationship?
May 31, 2012 05:35
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I think if you have ticket flight to other countries via HK or Macau, you'd be allowed to enter, HK 7 days and Macau 14 days.
Jun 3, 2012 01:09
No, it is not as easy as you thought, Wan. Individuals (mainland Chinese) in Xian can not fly to HK directly. The current policy requires that Xian people have to join a group tour to visit HK even if they have Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau.
Last edited by LONELYJOURNEY: Jun 3, 2012 01:09
Jun 3, 2012 21:29
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Have you tried, dear Lonely? One girl from Xi'an who went to Malaysia via Hong Kong, and I bought the AirAsia tickets for her. She went to HK via Huanggang, SZ and took limousine to HKIA. Probably like you said going to Hong Kong alone is not allowed or perhaps the immigration officer at the checkpoint didn't realise she held a Chinese passport with Xi'an address.
Jun 5, 2012 01:17

It's possbile that she transferred in HK and then went to Malaysia. But individuals in Xian are not allowed to travel alone in HK. This is for sure. My colleaguse Brenda (a Chinese girl) went to Hong Kong and Macau last year. According to her, she had to pay CNY 50 and joined a "group tour" to reach HK. Once they arrived in HK, they separated and had fun on their own.
Jun 6, 2012 00:56
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What a pity, having such a strange regulation, after all Xi'an is one of the cities that belongs to PRC too.
Jun 10, 2012 02:49

Originally Posted by WANHU

What a pity, having such a strange regulation, after all Xi'an is one of the cities that belongs to PRC too.

This year, Xian people can be allowed to vist Taiwan as individuals. I am hoping that Xian people will be allowed to visit HK as individuals very soon.
Jun 10, 2012 12:40
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I like the concept of the pedestrian bridge in HK that inter-connected with offices and government departments.
Jun 10, 2012 22:24

Originally Posted by WANHU

I like the concept of the pedestrian bridge in HK that inter-connected with offices and government departments.

One day, I will go to HK and see it in person. I hate the roundabout in China. The one who came up with this idea is stupid. I have to pass by a roundabout every day when I walk into my company. The drivers drive very slowly to avoid traffic accident. Unfortunately, it is very frequent to see a car hit another car from behind. If it happens, the traffic jam occurs.

Why can't they build the road like this?

Jun 10, 2012 22:49
Look at this roundabout.

Jun 11, 2012 09:45
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Most cities have done away with roundabouts and put traffic lights instead. Town or city planners and civic designers have their own ideas, and those that belong to old schools are hard to change.
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