Would you stop thieves stealing again if you got beaten?
Jun 21, 2012 01:10
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Originally Posted by WANHU

I expect so, because the Chinese seldom use lemon grass unless they cook Thai dishes.

Forgive me, Wan! I even do not know what lemon grass is.
Jun 21, 2012 02:09
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I'll post a pic soon to you.
Jul 5, 2012 01:55
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Originally Posted by WANHU

I'll post a pic soon to you.

Thank you. I was on a business trip in last two weeks. Long time no see. Is everything ok, Wan?
Jul 5, 2012 18:17
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Welcome back dear Sunnydream. I am always looking forward to your thoughtful opinions and ideas.
Jul 5, 2012 23:01
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In short, yes. I have personal experience with something like this. But luckily i wasnt beaten up, i beat up the two thiefs.
If Nobody does anything, they will do it again and again and again. I was raised by my mother to help people, so it doesnt matter.
Jul 9, 2012 02:19
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Are you stronger than the two thieves? I guess "Yes". Otherwise, you would have been beaten up. Next time you see three thieves who are stronger than you, will you still fight them?

My rule: If I can not handle the situation, I will ask help from others to help those who are in need of help. Do not risk your life. There are many other ways to help others.
Jul 9, 2012 03:33
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@Sunnydream: Luckily yes, they were rather thin... but even if there were more than 2, it is the right thing to do (at least i think so) of course, FIRST you need to call the police, let them know where it happend and what happend. (maybe describe the people) But you only can do this if you have enough time, and pickpockers are quick.

And your rule is a smart one, i think that most people should follow it. But as someone already said, if more people would help, there would be less danger for everyone to face...
Jul 10, 2012 21:27
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A boy who just graduated from college tried to stop a pickpocket stealing a girl’s purse on a bus. But he never thought that the pickpocket had two pals. Then they fought on the bus but no passengers stood out to help that boy fight the pickpockets.

At last, the driver stopped and let the three pickpockets go because they threatened to hurt the passengers. The boy had a deep cut on his arm. After the pickpockets went away, the driver called the police and sent the boy to the hospital. The girl who was stolen disappeared.

The boy spent nearly CNY 2000 at the hospital and finally recovered. His company tried to apply the worker’s injury insurance but failed. Thus, the boy burdened the cost on his own.

This is not a story. My best female friend told me that the boy was from her company.

If you were the boy, would you fight the three pickpockets?
Jul 11, 2012 14:30
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Dear Sunnydream, this should worry us, with society or community that only thinks for oneself, as an individual because one probably thinks it doesn't happen to him. One day we will see that when a robbery happens in our neighbourhood, people just close their windows and doors, why bother to report to the police because they don't have time to answer the questions from the police!

The driver could have driven the bus to the police station, but no, just informed the police after the mishap. Well, we can't blame he's just a driver and was not taught how and what to think. I'm sure the pickpockets won't dare to do this in the bus in country. Sure, there are pickpockets and purse snatchers, but not daringly in the bus. One time it happened in front of me, a boy snatched a girl's purse and ran away around the crowded foodstalls. The girl cried for help and the onlookers gave chase. It's not easy to run in along the crowded foodstalls along the street, and I found out the snatch thief was caught, with hot frying pan on his head with noodles that became his extra hair.
Jul 14, 2012 23:41
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Yep, i still help. It is difficult to interfere with someone who gets attacked, because i dont know why. (they talk in chinese)
But if i know the reason and my family is save (i can't do much if my daughter is with me) i will help.
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