Dare you sell all your family estate to travel round the world?
Jun 3, 2012 22:36
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When I eat alone, I may finish or may not finish the food. With friends, we can share the food, doesn't matter who pays or by going Dutch, but it saves money as well as no (or less) wastage of food.
Jun 5, 2012 02:03
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Originally Posted by WANHU

When I eat alone, I may finish or may not finish the food. With friends, we can share the food, doesn't matter who pays or by going Dutch, but it saves money as well as no (or less) wastage of food.

My parents are both farmers and I know how important food is to us. When I dine out, I order food I can eat up. If I really can't eat them up, I will take them back home.
Jun 5, 2012 20:52
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Yes, I will never join a tour from a travel agency unless I am sure the certain place I am unable to travel by our own. I never regret about doing this because I believe there is nothing I would miss if do enough search and preparation in advance. Thus, travel itinerary is flexile and I could relax myself within beautiful natural spots I prefer. Also, my experience, a group of two for travel is the best no matter who your partner is (I mean a good friend or lover only). Not good if more than 2 persons in a group.

Sunnydream, I agree to order food I can eat up every time. But in some occasions, travel with others do save cost, especially when rent a car is necessary.
Jun 7, 2012 03:32
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One of my friend is interesting. She never drinks up all bottled drinks. Once I ask her why she left something in the bottle. She just tole me that it was my habit.
Jun 7, 2012 04:45
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Habit is a cable, we weave a thread of it every day, and at last we cannot break it.
Jun 7, 2012 07:36
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Originally Posted by SUNNYDREAM

My parents are both farmers and I know how important food is to us. When I dine out, I order food I can eat up. If I really can't eat them up, I will take them back home.

I would do the same too. I had a hard life. I am no. 9 out of 10 siblings. I know the meaning of hunger when my father passed away, the sole bread winner. I was 9 years old then. I also saw 4 of my brothers had to drop from school.

Jun 10, 2012 02:23
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Originally Posted by WANHU

I would do the same too. I had a hard life. I am no. 9 out of 10 siblings. I know the meaning of hunger when my father passed away, the sole bread winner. I was 9 years old then. I also saw 4 of my brothers had to drop from school.


Only do those experience hard life know the importance of food. My parents both experienced the hard times in 1970s in China. Sometimes, they share us their experiences.
Jun 10, 2012 11:52
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Yes, and it reminds us to assist the needy and the have not.
Jun 11, 2012 01:36
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Yes, and it reminds us to assist the needy and the have not.

That's for sure. But I still look down those people who waste food. You can buy whatever as long as you have money. But you never know how the crops are planted.
Jun 11, 2012 09:26
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Rich people and other aristocrats spend money whatever they like because they thought it's their hard-earned money they have the rights to it. These kind of people become individuals in their own society. Buying two mobile homes to travel to 60 countries is a dream with uncertainty, a dream to quench the thirst of travelling, and on the other hand do they expect and hitches, engine breakdown, etc.?

When my friends went on an expedition on motorbikes, from London to Malaysia, they brought along mechanics like in Dakkar Rally where we see engine problems, uneven terrains they have to endure, etc.; they should have proper preparations before embarking this meaningful journey.

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