Prostitutes talk to each other and laugh as usual in prison | |
Jun 7, 2012 03:27 | |
| Quote:Originally Posted by WANHU Sunnydream, the term portrays and conveys that it is not a becoming profession. Wan Yes, the term didn't say but it has already become a profession. I bet that China won't make it as legal as Netherlands. |
Jun 7, 2012 08:03 | |
| Not a becoming profession is for unbecoming conduct, something with distaste. Wan |
Jun 7, 2012 19:40 | |
| Dear Sunnydream, actually I'm learning English and most of the time I would use some proverbs, idioms, sayings, etc. to share with others, if you may observe some of the posts and responses I wrote. We know that the open forum like TCG is not the place to rectify errors in English usage, and experts couldn't be bothered to verify either (as this is not an English language forum) but to me, it's good to share, and I would always welcome comments. Wan |
Jun 9, 2012 12:19 | |
| It's just another name(s) of prostitute. Even prostitutes don't like to be called prostitutes; they'd prefer Guest Relations Officer (GRO), (Social) Escort, etc. Wan |
Jun 10, 2012 02:40 | |
| Wan, Your Engnlish is excellent in my eyes. We may not write and speak authentic English but we do understand each other. This is communication. |
Jun 10, 2012 12:02 | |
| Dear Sunnydream, I'm just a streetwise user who have not the opportunity to study proper English. We are not native English speakers, even they also made blunders and mistakes. I am not surprised if a Malay failed Malay language exam because he is born a Malay, speaks Malay but doesn't mean he speaks the correct standard Malay. Wan |
Jun 11, 2012 01:33 | |
| Wan, It doesn't matter because you don't have to teach English. Communication is the priority. If a British speak noble and authentic English to a guy who is not a native, it will be difficult for him to understand what British guy says. |
Jun 11, 2012 03:59 | |
| Queen's English is not difficult to understand, unless a slang like Cockney. Anyway there are some words that we barely see today such as taking forty winks for a nap. Parliamentary words like proposing something, in the House of Common they would say: Mr Speaker sir, I beg to move. Wan |
Jun 11, 2012 22:31 | |
| Wan, Slang words are difficult to understand. I remembered that my oral English teacher once taught us some American slangs. It's so sad that I almost forgot them all. |
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